The Zodiac Signs
and you may not know for sure which of these two signs
you are UNTIL you have a chart calculated. I am sure
that, by now, most of you know which one of the twelve
signs you were born under. If not, find the time of your
birth and have an accurate chart (your horoscope)
drawn up.
Visualizing Your Sun Sign
Knowing your Sun Sign is pretty much knowing where
the Sun was in the zodiac—relative to the course of the
earth’s travel around the Sun—at your birth. Our Earth
travels in its orbit around the sun at 67,000 miles an
hour; none of us, therefore, are exactly standing still.
Let's look at an example:
I was born in the middle of July, which makes me the
sun sign "Cancer,” the Crab. As you can see in the
diagram, we have the yearly circle (or cycle) of the
zodiac, with all twelve signs laid out in the seasons to