
(Darren Dugan) #1

The Zodiac Signs

Rote Memorization

We all know that the zodiac sign Cancer is a homebody,
and that Gemini love to talk, but how did they get these
attributes? Where did these attributes come from?
There are different levels of answers to that question.
On the surface, the popular way to learn about the
different sun signs is good old-fashioned rote memory.
You memorize or otherwise learn what each sign means.
Some of you are probably already pretty much up to
speed on this way of learning.

Rote memorization is fine, but one of its disadvantages
is that you are dependent on whatever source you use
to learn about the signs, whether a book, a teacher, or
just gradual familiarization. It works, but it is very difficult
to generate new meanings on your own, and difficult to
figure out whether some idea or object belongs to this
sign or to that sign or to both.

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