
(Darren Dugan) #1

The Zodiac Signs

Metal Mercury (Quicksilver)

Mineral Salts Potassium Chloride

Tarot Trump VI, The Lovers

Tarot Design A prophet young and in the
Sign of Osiris risen

Tarot Trump Title The Children of the Voice,
Oracle of the Mighty Waters

Path on the Tree of Life #17, joins 3- 6

Path Title Disposing One

Hindu Deities Various twin and hybrid deities

40 Buddhist Meditations White

4 Divisions Pranava Vada Relation

Greek Deities Castor and Pullux, Apollo the

Egyptian Deities Twin Merti

Roman Deities Castor and Pullux (Janus)

Qliphotic Name Tzalalimiron (Clangers)

Sephirotic Number 153

Hebrew Letter Zain (sword)

12 Tribes of Israel Judah

12 Prophets Zachariah

Jewish Calendar Tamooz

Order of Blessed Spirits Thrones

Angel Ambriel

Elemental Ruler Cherub

Four Angels Raphael

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