The Zodiac Signs
Mineral Salts Potassium Sulphate
Tarot Trump IX, The Hermit
Tarot Design Wrapped in a cloak and cowl,
an ancient Walketh bearing a lamp and staff
Tarot Trump TItle Prophet of the Eternal Magus
of the Voice of Power
Path on the Tree of Life #20, joins 4- 6
Path Title Intelligence of the Will
Hindu Deities The Gopi Girls, Lord of Yoga
40 Buddhist Meditations Bloated Corpse
4 Divisions Pranava Vada Not-Self
Greek Deities Attis
Egyptian Deities Heru-Pa-Kraath
Roman Deities Attis, Ceres, Adonis
Qliphotic Name Tzaphiriron
Sephirotic Number 210
Hebrew Letter Yod (hand)
12 Tribes of Israel Simeon
12 Prophets Micha
Jewish Calendar Tishree
Order of Blessed Spirits Virtues
Angel Hamaleil
Elemental Ruler Ariel
Four Angels Uriel
Hierarchy Lords of Wisdom
Realm World of Divine spirit