The Zodiac Signs
Mineral Salts Sodium Phosphate
Tarot Trump VIII, Justice
Tarot Design A conventional figure of justice,
with scales and balances
Tarot Trump Title Daughter of the Lords of
Truth, Ruler of the Balance
Path on the Tree of Life #22, joins 5- 6
Path Title Faithful Intelligence
Hindu Deities Yama
40 Buddhist Meditations Hacked in Pieces Corpse
4 Divisions Pranava Vada Relation
Greek Deities Themis, Minos, Aeacus and
Egyptian Deities Maat
Roman Deities Vulcan
Qliphotic Name A'Abiriron (Clayey)
Sephirotic Number 253
Hebrew Letter Lamed (ox goad)
12 Tribes of Israel Issachar
12 Prophets Jonah
Jewish Calendar Hesvan
Order of Blessed Spirits Principalities
Angel Zuriel
Elemental Ruler Cherub
Four Angels Raphael
Hierarchy Lords of Individuality