
(Darren Dugan) #1

The Zodiac Signs

Tarot Trump XV, The Devil

Tarot Design The figure of Pan or Priapus

Tarot Trump Title Lord of the Gates of Matter,
Child of the Forces of Time

Path on the Tree of Life #26, joins 6- 8

Path Title Renovating Intelligence

Hindu Deities Lingam, Yoni.

40 Buddhist Meditations Putrid Corpse

4 Divisions Pranava Vada Not-Self

Greek Deities Pan, Priapus

Egyptian Deities Set

Roman Deities Pan, Vesta

Qliphotic Name Dagagiron (fish)

Sephirotic Number 351

Hebrew Letter Ayin (eye)

12 Tribes of Israel Gad

12 Prophets Nahum

Jewish Calendar Shebat

Order of Blessed Spirits Innocents

Angel Hanael

Elemental Ruler Ariel

Four Angels Uriel

Hierarchy Archangels

Realm Desire World

Magical Powers So-called witches Sabbath,
Evil Eye

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