
(Darren Dugan) #1

The Zodiac Signs

Mineral Salts Ferrum Phosphate

Tarot Trump XVIII, The Moon

Tarot Design A Waning Moon

Tarot Trump Title Ruler of Flux and reflux,
Child of the Sons of the Mighty

Path on the Tree of Life #29, joins 7- 10

Path Title Corporeal Intelligence

Hindu Deities Vishnu, Matsya Avatar

40 Buddhist Meditations Conduct

4 Divisions Pranava Vada Summation

Greek Deities Poseidon

Egyptian Deities Anubis

Roman Deities Neptune

Qliphotic Name Nashimoron (malignant

Sephirotic Number 435

Hebrew Letter Qoph (back of head)

12 Tribes of Israel Ephraim

12 Prophets Joel

Jewish Calendar Nisar

Order of Blessed Spirits Confessors

Angel Machidial

Elemental Ruler Tharsis

Four Angels Gabriel

Hierarchy Humanity

Realm Chemical Region

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