How To Learn Astrology
Equatorial Coordinates ................................... 841
Horizon Coordinate System ........................... 844
Astronomy of Astrology: The Earth's Tilt ........ 846
The Earth's Tilt .... Error! Bookmark not defined.
The Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn ............ 847
The Earth's Tilt .... Error! Bookmark not defined.
The Earth's Tilt ............................................... 848
Planet Longitude and Latitude ........................ 850
From the Sky to the Chart Form: Part 2 ..... Error!
Bookmark not defined.
From the Sky to the Chart Form: Part 3 ......... 853
Snapshots of Earth at a Birth ......................... 854
The View at Birth. Error! Bookmark not defined.
The Ecliptic Sphere ........... Error! Bookmark not
The Celestial/Equatorial Sphere ..................... 857
The Horizon Sphere ....................................... 859
The Tropical Zodiac or Ecliptic ....................... 860
Tropical Zodiac ............................................... 861
The Ecliptic Plane........................................... 861
The Ecliptic Sphere ........................................ 863
Geographic and Celestial Latitude ............. Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Latitude .......................................................... 865
The Pole Star (North Star). Error! Bookmark not
Circles of Latitude........................................... 865
North and South Circles ................................. 867
Cities on the Same Meridian .......................... 867
Longitude and Latitude ................................... 869
Longitude Meridian ......................................... 870
Meridian Alignment......................................... 871
The Horizon .................................................... 873
The Horizon System ....................................... 875
The Straighter The Line, The Finer The Curve 877
Time Spiral ..................................................... 878