
(Darren Dugan) #1

Major Chart Patterns

The Modern Rulership

In the Modern Rulership, Pluto replaces Mars as the
ruler of Scorpio, Uranus replaces Saturn as the ruler of
Aquarius, and Neptune replaces Jupiter as the ruler of
Pisces. Otherwise, the remaining planet's rulerships
stay the same.

We should point out that, more and more modern
astrologers do not use the rulerships at all; in particular,
astrologers using the Uranian and Cosmobiology
techniques do not. They don't even use the signs.

Another important astrologer, L.E. Johndro, declared
that both the ancient and the modern rulerships were
more or less rubbish; he then put forward his own and
very complex system of sign rulership.

It is my understanding that more and more modern
astrologers do not use rulerships at all.

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