
(Darren Dugan) #1

Major Chart Patterns

If we suggest that "beauty" is what attracts, this only
leads to the question: What makes beauty attractive?
What is the true nature and origin of beauty? Here is
what I have come to understand:

The famous astrologer (and a Supreme Court Justice
from Germany), Dr. Theodor Landscheidt, pointed out,
many years ago, in his book Cosmic Cybernetics, that
large-scale structures such as our galaxy (and
everything in them...for instance, in our solar system:
earth, us, etc.) can only cohere and continue to exist by
circulating (in some way) information throughout the
structure itself. This is what keeps these large structures
together or coherent. Galaxies and all stellar structures
circulate this vital information through some mechanism
not presently known to us.

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