
(Darren Dugan) #1

Major Chart Patterns

If we can agree that the traditional astrological chart is a
snapshot of the solar system, taken from the earth's
perspective within that system (and this is a fact), and if
we can agree that this snapshot is meaningful (proven
within the history of astrology), then we should be able
to agree that the solar system itself (that actual object of
the earth's snapshot) is also be worth examining. It is
that simple. And it is, therefore, even more worthwhile to
examine the sun-centered map or chart. This is what
StarTypes is all about.

StarTypes Examines Large-Scale Planetary Patterns

Scientists and astrophysicists have speculated on how
the universe may communicate within itself. They have
examined the various possible carriers of information—
such as light rays and other forms of radiation, including
gravitational radiation. It has been suggested that
information stemming from the ‘heart nucleus’ of the
galaxy is probably streaming through us constantly.

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