
(Darren Dugan) #1

Major Chart Patterns

The Other Side

Lest we think life is all roses for these red chart types,
let's go over some of their darker side. For all their
social qualities, they are still very private, and enjoy their
privacy. They don't like to be crowded and hate to be
boxed in. In their own way, they are claustrophobic.

And, they worry about their intelligence, perhaps
because they are so simple and direct in their appeal.
They feel everyone loves them for their shine and
sparkle, and yet not for their intellect. This can be a real
problem—because they are afraid of appearing stupid.
In fact, they will often go to great lengths to collect
diplomas and degrees—whatever might make them
appear sophisticated. They like fine and frilly things, and
are quick to put on airs—to appear more sophisticated
than, in fact, they are. This can be a lifelong problem.

They may also lack common sense at times, seeing the
trees but not the forest. They may have real problems
getting the big picture; it would be wise of them to seek
out the advice of the green chart types, who can give
them some direction in life—helping them see more
clearly where they are going.

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