
(Darren Dugan) #1

Major Chart Patterns

The Heliocentric Chart (Inner Chart)

We just pointed out that the geocentric chart is a
snapshot of the solar system from Earth's perspective at
the time of your birth. The operative words here are
"from earth’s perspective." If the geocentric chart is a
picture of the solar system from the perspective of Earth,
how is this different from a snapshot of the solar system
itself? If a particular perspective on the solar system is
what we have used for centuries to do astrology, what
will a chart of the overall actual system provide us?

Your outer or geocentric chart is—what? It is a snapshot
of the entire solar system, of which the earth is just one
planet, but it is a snapshot taken from the earth's
perspective somewhere within that system. If we were
at the Daytona 500 speed track and took a snapshot of
the track and the other racing cars from within one car—
during the middle of a race—this would be analogous to
a snapshot taken from within the system itself.

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