Major Chart Patterns
More and more well-known astrologers, such as Hugh
McCraig, L.E. Johndro, Robert Hand, and Dane
Rudhyar, have all told us about the value of the
heliocentric chart in giving us an enhanced picture of
ourselves. I have found this to be true in my own work. I
would never think of doing a reading for a client without
both charts sitting before me, side by side. The benefits
of looking at both views are great, and it only takes my
computer a couple of seconds to print out both. You
have nothing to lose.
The Perspective
For those of you wishing to understand the astronomy
of these two charts, read on. Others may want to go
straight to the section which details how to interpret
these two charts. The diagram above shows my natal
chart, in both geocentric and heliocentric formats. As
you can see, they are quite different. The geocentric
charts has all of the planets on one side of the chart