
(Darren Dugan) #1

Major Chart Patterns

that day, from within the zodiac where it sits—third
stone from the Sun. The point here is that the standard
geocentric chart is Earth's perspective or view of the
solar system, and not a view of the solar system itself.
Of course, it is a most significant view, because it is our
view, but we must ask: what is this a view of? And, the
answer is: it is a view of the solar
might like to look at a chart of what the solar system
looked like—at our birth—from a more overall
perspective, and this would be the heliocentric chart—
your inner chart.

The Heliocentric Chart (Inner Chart)

Here is the heliocentric chart for my birth. This is a chart
of the same moment, the same space, and of the same
planets, but as seen—not from Earth's perspective, but
rather from the perspective of the actual center of the
solar system—from the Sun’ perspective. The difference
is considerable, and we will get into the interpretative

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