Your Astrological Toolbox
My Favorite Style Open Wheel
This is the chart form that I have used for the last thirty-
some years. As you can see, it is an open wheel, and
each planet is placed exactly where it goes—or, as near
as possible—in the zodiac. In the center of the chart the
major aspects (opposition, trine, square, sextile, etc.)
are drawn in with colored lines, so as to illustrate the
main patterns.
Note that the houses are de-emphasized further still.
Here, only the ascendant-descendant axis is drawn in
(red line), as well as the Midheaven-I.C. axis (blue line).
The red arrow marks the ascendant, or first house cusp,
and the blue arrow marks the Midheaven, or 10th house
cusp. The other house cusps are not even shown.
My reason for preferring this is that I am more interested
in the two chart axes than I am in the intermediate
cusps. The intermediate cusps change depending on