
(Ann) #1


to the Revised

Edition, 2003

The introduction is a snapshot of the world as it was when a
book was written. When I wrote the original introduction to
On Becoming a Leader, just before its publication in 1989, the
world was on the brink of extraordinary change. Although few
of us could have predicted it, the Berlin Wall would fall in
November, to the joyous clamor of rock music, effectively end-
ing the partition of Germany that dated back to the end of
World War II. But when the book came out earlier in the year,
Germany was still divided, the Soviet Union was intact, and
another, older George Bush was president of the United States.
Not far from Berlin was the relatively peaceful, unified nation
of Yugoslavia. The man who would later be hailed as the
George Washington of Africa, Nelson Mandela, remained a
prisoner of apartheid in a South African jail. The only people
familiar with the Internet were 400 users at a handful of univer-
sities and government agencies, and even those visionaries were
unaware how utterly it would transform everything from the
global economy to the way terrorists do their awful business. In


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