
(Ann) #1
When CEOs began to make as much as tsars, they should have
known they would eventually reap the whirlwind. Instead, many
became increasingly arrogant. In 2001 and 2002, one high-flying
company after another crashed, in a spreading scandal about
accounting irregularities, illegal loans, and insider trading. The
march of shame included Enron, WorldCom, Adelphia, Global
Crossing, and ImClone—some of their top executives were in-
dicted and led off in handcuffs. Most shocking of all may have
been the prospect of domestic goddess Martha Stewart facing
criminal charges for selling her ImClone stock shortly before it
was announced that its much anticipated new cancer drug would
not get FDA approval. Her downfall was anticipated with un-
seemly glee by people who joked about prison-striped wall paper
and stenciling her cell, a case of taking-pleasure-in-the-pain-of-
others that one wag termed Marthafreude.
Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson used to hail friends
he had not seen for a long time with the greeting: “What’s be-
come clear to you since we last met?” One thing that has become
clearer than ever to me is that integrity is the most important
characteristic of a leader, and one that he or she must be pre-
pared to demonstrate again and again. Too many leaders—cor-
porate heads but church officials and leaders in countless other
fields as well—forgot that they were under scrutiny and that they
could be called to account at any time. They forgot that some-
thing’s being legal doesn’t mean it’s right. And they forgot that
what the public giveth, it can take away. Just ask Martha Stewart.
The corporate scandals have had a devastating effect on the
stock market, one that is liable to persist long after the head-
lines about Enron and other rogue companies have been for-
gotten. Trillions of dollars of wealth were destroyed by men
who themselves walked away with princely severance packages.
So pervasive was the cloud over American business that Intel’s

On Becoming a Leader


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