
(Ann) #1
that hard times are the crucible in which character and leadership
are forged: “It is not in the still calm of life or the repose of a
pacific station that great characters are formed,” she counseled.
“The habits of a vigorous mind are formed in contending with
difficulty. Great necessities call out great virtues.” Just as World
War II forged the leaders of the second half of the twentieth cen-
tury, I predict that 9/11 and the dot-com implosion will be the
crucibles that create a whole new generation of leaders. If so, we
will have reason to celebrate as well as to mourn.
In addition to the qualities I describe in On Becoming a
Leader, all leaders have four essential competencies. First, they
are able to engage others by creating shared meaning. They
have a vision, and they can persuade others to make that vision
their own. Hitler is a ghastly example of this ability, and a re-
minder of the under-appreciated role that rhetoric and per-
formance play in leadership. One reason that leaders are able to
promulgate their vision is because they are exquisitely attuned
to their followers and feel their pain, their wants, their needs.
Leaders, in every field, are richly endowed with empathy.
Second, all authentic leaders have a distinctive voice. By
voice, I mean a cluster of things—a purpose, self-confidence,
and a sense of self, and the whole gestalt of abilities that,
thanks to Daniel Goleman, we now call Emotional Intelli-
gence. Voice is hard to define but terribly important. One of
the reasons cited for Al Gore’s loss of the 2000 presidential
election was his lack of voice. Those of us who know Gore are
struck by his intelligence, his decency, his vision, and his wry
sense of humor. Yet, during his campaign, the public was never
able to hear his true voice. President George W. Bush, on the
other hand, has a distinctive voice that projects a likeable, low-
key persona that even people who reject his politics respond

Introduction to the Revised Edition, 2003


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