Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
he carried with him. He is saving corpses
to build a real smoke.

corral dustn. nonsense, lies, and exagger-
ation. (A euphemism for bullshit.) The
way Judy handles the corral dust, she must
be running for political office. That stuff
is all corral dust. Don’t believe a word of it.

cosmicmod. excellent; powerful. This
pizza is absolutely cosmic! Who wants
to see a really cosmic movie?

cotton-picking and cotton-pickin’mod.
worthless; damned. (Folksy.) What’s
the cotton-pickin’ idea? Who is this cot-
ton-picking bigwig pushing us around?

couch-doctor and couch-turkeyn. a psy-
chiatrist; a psychoanalyst. Some couch-
doctor told her to go out and find a lover.
I finally walked out on my couch-turkey.
Now I’m getting it all together.

couch potaton. a lazy, do-nothing televi-
sion watcher. (See also sofa spud.) If
there was a prize for the best couch potato,
my husband would win it. You are turn-
ing into a perfect couch potato.

couch-turkeyGo to couch-doctor.

Cough it up!exclam.Give me the money
(or some other thing that you are trying
to keep from me) now! You owe me 20
bucks. Cough it up!

cough something uptv. to produce some-
thing (which someone has requested),
usually money. Come on, buster, cough
it up, now! You owe me seven stereo am-
plifiers. Now, cough them up! TCough up
what you owe me!

country drunkmod. alcohol intoxicated;
drunk and disorganized. (Folksy.) 
Them good old boys know how to get coun-
try drunk. The cowboy, really country
drunk this time, got to town somehow and
started a fight.

county-mountyn. a highway patrol offi-
cer. (Citizens band radio.) There’s a
county-mounty waiting under that bridge
ahead of you. The county-mounty wrote
me seven tickets in that one roust.

couriern. a small-time drug seller; a drug
runner; a carrier of contraband. (Drugs.)

The cops can catch the couriers when-
ever they want. It’s the big guys they’re af-
ter. The couriers are expendable.
cover-upn. an act of concealing some-
thing. The cover-up drew more atten-
tion than whatever it was that was covered
up. The candidate accused her opponent
of a cover-up.
cown. a fat or ugly woman. (Cruel.) 
That cow can hardly get through the door.
Wouldn’t you think a cow like that
would go on a diet?
cowboyn. a reckless and independent man;
a reckless driver. (Also a term of ad-
dress.) Come on, cowboy, finish your
coffee and get moving. Some cowboy in
a new caddy cut in front of me.
cow chipsn. dried cow dung. There’s a
whole field of cow chips out there! Why do
you want to buy a bag of the stuff at a
nursery? Break up these cow chips and
work them into the soil around the base of
the bushes.
cow-doots[...”duts] n. cow dung; masses
of cow dung. Don was walking through
the pasture gathering cow-doots to use as
fertilizer. Don’t step in the cow-doots.
cow flop and cow plopn. a mass of cow
dung. Mrs. Wilson is out in the pasture
gathering cow f lops for her garden. Cow
plops are not all the same, you know.
cow juiceGo to moo juice.
cow plopGo to cow flop.
coyote-ugly[“kaIot “@gli or “kaIoti “@gli]
mod. extremely ugly. (Crude, cruel, and
potentially offensive. Said of people. See
also double-bagger; triple-bagger. Sup-
posedly, if one woke up and found one’s
arm around a coyote-ugly person, one
would chew off one’s arm—in the man-
ner of a coyote escaping from a steel-jaw
trap—rather than pull it back away from
this person.) Is that your pet monkey,
or is your date just coyote-ugly? Isn’t
that the most coyote-ugly creep you’ve ever
cozy up (to someone)in. to become
overly friendly with someone in hope of
gaining special favors. Tracy cozied up

corral dust

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