Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
The bullet dinged Rocko’s right arm. 2.
tv. to negate; to cast out; to blemish. 
Please stop dinging my little brother. He’s
a good kid. The reviewer dinged the
book, but it sold well anyway.

ding-a-ling[“dIN@lIN] n. a stupid person; a
giddy person who hears bells. This
ding-a-ling comes up and asks me for a
dollar for the orphans. I tell her I got all the
orphans I can use at any price. Who’s
the ding-a-ling who painted the windows

dingbat 1. n. 
Isn’t there supposed to be a little red ding-
bat that goes in this hole? Is this the
dingbat you mean? 2. n. a stupid person.
Who is the dingbat with Bob? That’s
no dingbat; that’s his sister. 3. n. any un-
desirable person. (Also a rude term of
address.) Look, dingbat, stop laughing!
I’m tired of reading about that dingbat
in the paper every day.

ding-dong 1. n. the penis. (Usually objec-
tionable.) He held his hands over his
ding-dong and ran for the bedroom. 2. n.
a stupid person of either sex. You silly
ding-dong! Try again. 3. mod. damned.
(A euphemism.) Get your ding-dong
junk outa my way!

dinged outmod. alcohol intoxicated. 
Gary is dinged out and can’t drive. He
got dinged out on a couple of quarts of

dingheadn. a stupid person. Shut up,
you stupid dinghead. Frank was a real
dinghead when he cheated on the exam.

dingleberry 1. n. a blob of fecal matter
clinging to the hairs around the anus.
(Usually objectionable.) Is there no per-
manent cure for the heartbreak of dingle-
berries? 2. n. a stupid-acting person of
either sex. You are such a dumb din-
gleberry! Wise up!

dingle(-dangle)n. the penis. (Usually ob-
jectionable.) Come on, Billy. Shake your
dingle and put it away.

dingus 1. n. a thing or gadget. I have a
little dingus that helps me clean venetian
blinds. Toss me one of those dinguses
that holds the wire in the groove, will ya?

  1. and dingyn. the penis; the male thing.
    (Usually objectionable.) Jimmy, shake
    your dingus and put it away!

dingy[“dINi] 1. mod. loony; giddy. That
friend of yours sure does act dingy some-
times. Tell the dingy drip to forget it. 
I’m not dingy, I’m just in love. 2. Go to

dink 1. n. a person of East Asian (includ-
ing Japanese) nationality or descent; orig-
inally a person of Chinese nationality or
descent. (Much use during the Vietnam
War for the Vietnamese. Rude and de-
rogatory.) He said he fought against
dinks in the war. 2. n. the penis, especially
a small one. (Usually objectionable.) 
God, Fred, you really got a dink. Is it full
grown yet? 3. and DINKn. double in-
come, no kids; a (young) married cou-
ple with two incomes and no children.
(Acronym.) The whole neighborhood
is populated by dinks. Not a single child on
the block. Most dinks are young. Older
couples whose children are grown up are
just called old.

dink someone offtv. to make someone
angry. Whatever you do, don’t dink her
off! TWhy did you have to start out your
speech by dinking off the entire audience?

dinky[“dINki] mod. small; undersized. 
Isn’t this a little dinky for a $14 steak?
I’ll take the dinky one. I’m on a diet.

dinner basketGo to breadbasket.

dip 1. n. a drunkard. (From dipsomaniac.)
Buy the dip a drink. That’ll shut him up
for a while. A dip hung around outside
the tavern, mooching coin for drinks. 2.
and dippern. a pickpocket. (Under-
world.) Watch out for dips at the race-
track. The dip tried a snatch, but the
dupe turned around at the wrong time. 3.
n. a pinch or helping of snuff. He took
a dip just before he picked up the bat. 
After the hit, he got another dip. 4. n. a
wad of chewing tobacco. You could see
he had a big dip in his cheek. I won’t tell
you what he did with the dip when he was
finished with it. 5. n. an oaf; a jerk. (See
also dipshit.) Why are you acting like


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