Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

doo-doo 1. n. dung; fecal material. 
There’s dog doo-doo on your shoe. 2. in. to
defecate. Mommy, the cat’s doo-dooing
in the kitchen!

doofer and dufer[“duf#] n. a (found or
borrowed) cigarette saved for smoking at
another time. (It will do forlater.) Sam
always has a doofer stuck behind his ear.
He takes two fags, one to smoke and a

doofus and duffis[“duf@s] n. a jerk; a
nerd. Hank, you are acting like a doo-
fus. Stop standing on your head. My
roommate is a duffis and I’m tired of
putting up with her.

doohickeyGo to doojigger.

doojigger and doohickey; doohickie
[“dudZIg# and “duhIki] n. <a name for a
gadget.>  Toss me that little red
doohickey, will you? Jim has one of those
doohickies that will tighten the bit in the

dook[duk] 1. mod. really bad. (Probably
related to duky.) No more of your dook
ideas! This day was really dook! 2. in.
to defecate. Mom, I gotta dook. He’s
dooking in the john.

do oneself proudtv. to have done a very
fine job. That’s super! You’ve done your-
self proud! I feel like I’ve done myself

do one’s (own) thingtv. to do what one
wants; to do what pleases oneself no mat-
ter what others think. She’s going to
start doing her own thing for a change. 
I’ve always done my thing, and I don’t see
a great amount of benefit from it.

do or diemod. having to try as hard as one
can. He has the obsessive do or die at-
titude. I was determined to get there—
do or die.

doormatn. a weak-willed person who is
abused by others. I always feel like a
doormat. Why do people treat me like
a doormat?

doosie and doozie; doozy[“duzi] n.
something extraordinary, good or bad. 
The trade show was a real doozy this year.
Old Gert was a real doozy.

doowacky[“duWAki] 1. n. a thing; a name-
less gadget. Where is the doowacky I
laid here? Is this your doowacky? I was
going to throw it away. 2. n. money. Yo u
got some doowacky I can borrow? I’m
out of doowacky myself.
doozieGo to doosie.
doozyGo to doosie.
dope 1. n. a stupid person. I’m not such
a dope. That dope has done it again! 2.
n. drugs in general; marijuana. Lay off
the dope, will ya? How much dope do
you do in a week anyway? 3. n. news;
scuttlebutt. What’s the dope on the new
mayor? I got some dope on the tavern
fire if you want to hear it. 4. mod. best;
most excellent. My roommate is really
dope. Great guy! We had a great time
there. It was dope and dudical.
dope something outtv. to figure out
something from the dope (information)
available. I think I can dope this thing
out from the evidence available. TWe can
dope out the truth from her testimony if we
have to.
dope up 1. in. to inject drugs; to take a
dose of a narcotic. (Drugs.) I’m hurt-
ing, man, I gotta dope up, now! She
slipped into the backroom to dope up. 2.
in. to purchase a supply of drugs.
(Drugs.) Where’s my old friend Frank?
I gotta dope up. Frank is doping up,
himself. He doesn’t grow it himself, you
dopey 1. mod. stupid. What a dopey guy!
That was a dopey thing to do. 2. mod.
sleepy. I feel sort of dopey. The soft
music made him dopey. 3. mod. drug in-
toxicated. He looks sort of dopey. The
chick is too dopey to drive. See that she gets
home, Ralphy, huh?
do-re-meGo to do-re-mi.
do-re-mi and do-re-me[“do”re”mi] n.
money. (From dough.) It takes too
much do-re-mi to live in this part of town.
Do you have a little do-re-me you could
loan me?
dorf[dorf] n. a stupid person; a weird per-
son. You are a prize-winning dorf. Is

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