Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
there a convention of dorfs here today or

dork[dork] 1. n. the penis. (Usually objec-
tionable.) Paul told a joke about a dork,
but everybody just sat there and looked
straight ahead. 2. n. a jerk;a strange per-
son. (See also megadork.) Ye gods,
Sally! You are a dork!

dorkmeier and dorkmunder[“dorkmaIr
and “dorkm@nd#] n. a total jerk;a sim-
pleton. Ellen, stop acting like such a
dorkmeier! Fred is my idea of the per-
fect dorkmunder.

dorkmunderGo to dorkmeier.

dork offin. to waste time; to goof off. 
Stop dorking off and get busy. The whole
class was dorking off and the teacher got

dorkus maximus[“dork@s “mAksIm@s] n. a
simpleton or fool; a great fool. Tim is
now the dorkus maximus of our dorm
since he broke the dorm’s television set. 
Sally is a dorkus maximus and spaced out
to boot.

dorkymod. tacky, stupid, or awkward.
(From dork.) I don’t want any of this
dorky food!

dormn. a dormitory. Which dorm do you
live in? Fred lives in a co-ed dorm.

do’s and don’tsn. the rules; the things that
should be done and those that should not
be done. I must admit that a lot of the
do’s and don’ts don’t make much sense to
me either. Better learn the do’s and
don’ts immediately.

do some bongstv. to smoke some mari-
juana, usually with a water pipe. (Drugs.
See also bong.) All the kids think that
doing bongs is the greatest thing on earth.
Hey, dude, wanna do some bongs?

do some fine cointv. to make a large sum
of money. When I get my big break, I’m
going to do some fine coin. Frank did
some fine coin on that last house-painting

do someone dirttv. to do ill to someone;
to harm someone’s reputation. Yo u
really did me dirt. It seemed that the

lawyer was determined to do me dirt right
there in the courtroom.
Do tell.sent. Is that so? (A disinterested way
of holding up one end of a conversation.)
So, you’re a dentist. Do tell. Do tell.
I’ve never heard that before. Nice talking
to you.
do the drink thingtv. to drink alcohol
heavily. He’s been doing the drink thing
quite a lot lately. He started doing the
drink thing when he got out of prison.
do the drug thingtv. to be involved with
drugs; to take drugs. Man, you gotta
stop doing the drug thing. All she thinks
about is doing the drug thing.
do the tricktv. to do exactly what is
needed. This about does the trick. 
Does this little dudenwhacker do the trick?
do timetv. to serve a sentence in prison; to
serve a specific amount of time in prison.
(Underworld. See also hard time.) 
Lefty had done time on a number of oc-
casions. You’d better talk and talk fast
if you don’t want to do time.
doublen. a drink consisting of two serv-
ings of liquor. Make mine a double,
bartender. Sam usually has two doubles
on the way home.
double-bagger 1. n. a hit good for two
bases in baseball. Wilbur hit a nice dou-
ble-bagger in the top of the fourth. The
hit was good for a double-bagger. 2. n. a
very ugly person. (Cruel. With a face so
ugly that it takes two paper bags to con-
ceal it. See also Bag your face!; triple-
bagger; coyote-ugly.) Fred is what I
would call a double-bagger. What a mug!
I am no double-bagger!
double-barreled slingshotn. a brassiere.
Did you see the size of that double-bar-
reled slingshot hanging on that clothesline?
double buffaloGo to double nickels.
double cross 1. tv. to betray someone.
(Originally a more complicated switch-
ing of sides in a conspiracy wherein the
double-crossersides with the victim of
the conspiracy—against the original con-
spirator.) Don’t even think about dou-
ble crossing me! Frank double crossed


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