Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

FOBmod. fresh off the boat; as gullible and
trusting as a new immigrant. (Initialism.
A play on the initials ofFree on Board.)
That new guy is really FOB What a
wimp! Where did you get those FOB
shoes? Blue suede is back?

thefoggiest (idea)n. (even) a hazy idea.
(Usually in the negative.) I’m sorry I
don’t know. I haven’t the foggiest. I don’t
have the foggiest idea of how to do this.

FOKGo to fill or kill.

fold 1. in. to fail; to close. The play folded
in the second week. I was afraid my
business would fold because of the reces-
sion. 2. in. to collapse from drinking. 
Dave had just one more drink, and then he
folded. She folded neatly and slid be-
neath the table.

foldedmod. alcohol intoxicated. Pete is
folded. That’s the third time this week. 
Man, is he folded!

folderolGo to falderal.

folding money and folding stuffn. U.S.
paper bank notes, as opposed to coins. 
Sorry, I don’t have any folding money with
me. Can you pick up the bill? I sure
could use some more of that folding stuff.

folding stuffGo to folding money.

folksn. one’s parents. (Always with the
possessive.) I’ll have to ask my folks if
I can go. Her folks are sort of mad at her.

fomp[famp] in. to play around sexually.
(Collegiate.) Who are those two over
there fomping? Jerry wanted to fomp,
and I wanted to get him out of my sight.

foodaholicn. a glutton. Kelly is a fooda-
holic and has a real eating problem. 
What a foodaholic! She ate a whole large

foodien.someone who is interested in
foods, cooking, and the latest food and
restaurant fads. The foodies are all
clamoring for fried sweet potatoes with

fooeyGo to phooey.

foo-foo water[“fufuwad#] n. aftershave
lotion; cologne. Don’t use so much of

that foo-foo water. I got three bottles of
foo-foo water for my birthday.
foot-in-mouth diseasen. the tendency to
say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
I suffer a lot from foot-in-mouth dis-
ease. Well, Ralph has foot-in-mouth dis-
ease again.

foot ittv. to go somewhere by foot; to walk
or run. (See also ankle; shank it.) I
have to foot it over to the drugstore for
some medicine. I’m used to footing it
wherever I go.
foozle[“fuzl] 1. n. an error; a messed up
task. Who made this foozle? What a
stupid foozle! 2. tv. to mess something up;
to bungle something. (See also foozli-
fied.) I’m afraid I’ll foozle the camera
if I open it up. Who foozled the copy-
ing machine?
foozlified[“fuzlIfaId] 1. mod. bungled. 
This job is really foozlified. Who was in
charge? I’ve never seen such a foozlified
mess in my life! 2. mod. alcohol intoxi-
cated. Why do you always come home
foozlified? Fred is foozlified and can’t see
his hand in front of him.

for all I knowphr. as far as I know; I really
don’t know. For all I know, they just did
it for a lark. She came in late because
she had an accident, for all I know.
for (all) one’s troublephr. in spite of one’s
efforts; in very poor payment for one’s ef-
forts. He got a punch in the jaw for all
his trouble. For her trouble, she got only
honorable mention.

forbidden fruitn. something that is at-
tractive because it is denied to one.
(From the Garden of Eden in the Bible.)
A new car became Ralph’s forbidden
fruit. Liquor was forbidden fruit for Jed.
for chicken feedGo to for peanuts.
for freemod. free from monetary charge;
gratis. And I get all this for free? Is
all this really mine for free?

Forget it! 1. exclam. Never mind, it wasn’t
important! Forget it! It wasn’t impor-
tant. I had an objection, but just forget
it! 2. exclam. Never mind, it was no trou-

Forget it!
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