Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
You’ll find Bob in some gin dive on the west
side of town.

gin palaceGo to gin mill.

girkedmod. intoxicated with heroin. He
shot himself up and was girked in no time.

girl 1. n. a woman; a young woman. (Ob-
jectionable to some as demeaning to
women.) A bunch of us girls got to-
gether for coffee today. Would you girls
care to come over to my house next week?

  1. n. the queen of playing cards. (See also
    bitch.) What I needed in that last hand
    was the girl. Come on, dealer, I need
    that girl!

girlfriendn.one’s female friend. (A term of
address between females.) Look, girl-
friend, you can’t let him treat you like that!
Hey, girlfriend! What’s in the bag?

girlie magazinen. a magazine featuring
pictures of nude women. The girlie
magazines were hidden under the counter.
Some creepy character asked Sally if she
would pose for a girlie magazine.

girlie shown. a performance featuring
nude women. Bob and Pete went to the
city and tried to get into a girlie show. 
This movie has turned out to be nothing
but a girlie show.

gismGo to jism.

git-go[“gItgo] n. the very beginning. (See
also from (the) git-go.) Clear back at
the git-go, I told you this wouldn’t work. 
He’s been gritching ever since git-go.

give a fuck (about someone or some-
thing)Go to give a shit (about some-
one or something).

give a shit (about someone or some-
thing) and give a fuck (about some-
one or something)tv. to care about
someone or something. (Usually objec-
tionable.) If you think I give a shit about
you or anyone else, you’re full of shit.

giveawayn. something that reveals a fact
that was meant to be concealed. (Often
with dead.) The way he was walking
was a giveaway to the fact that he was the
one who was injured. The look on her
face was a dead giveaway.

give headtv. to perform oral sex on some-
one, usually a male. (Usually objection-
able.) Does she give head? Sally is a
pro at giving head. She makes her living
at it.
Give it a rest!exclam. Shut up! (The itis
a mouth. See also Give me a rest!) I’ve
heard enough. Give it a rest! Give it a
rest! You talk too much.
give it the guntv. to gun an engine; to rev
an engine up. Give it the gun for a
minute. I gave it the gun, and it back-
Give it up!exclam. Quit now!; Enough is
enough! Oh, give it up! You can’t do it
right. Give it up! You can’t pitch!
Give me a break! and Gimme a break!

  1. exclam. That is enough!; Stop it! Do
    you have to go on and on? Give me a break!
    Give me a break, you guys! That’s
    enough! 2. exclam. Don’t be so harsh!;
    Give me a chance! I’m sorry! I’ll do bet-
    ter! Give me a break! I was only late
    once! Give me a break! 3. exclam. I don’t
    believe you!; You don’t expect anyone to
    believe that! You say a gorilla is loose
    in the city? Gimme a break! Tom said
    he was late again because the back stairs
    caved in. His boss said, “Gimme a break!”
    Give me a rest!exclam. Lay off!; That is
    enough! (See also Give it a rest!) 
    Haven’t I told you everything you need to
    know? Give me a rest. Give me a rest!
    I’ve heard enough.
    Give me five!Go to Give me (some) skin!
    Give me (some) skin! and Give me five!;
    Slip me five!exclam. Shake my hand! (A
    request for some form of hand touching
    in greeting. See also give someone five;
    high five.) Hey, man! Give me some
    skin! Give me five, my man!
    give (out) with somethingin. to give out
    information. Come on, give out with
    the facts, man. Give with the info. We’re
    in a hurry.
    give someone a buzz 1. tv. to give some-
    one a telephone call. Give me a buzz
    sometime. I’ll give her buzz tonight and
    ask her. 2. tv. to give someone a chuckle

give someone a buzz
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