Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
from the grog, of course. He was too
groggified to drive.

groghoundn. a drunkard. I’m afraid
that Ernie is getting to be a groghound. 
I’m an old groghound from way back.

grok[grOk] tv. to appreciate someone or
something; to relate to someone or some-
thing. I can really grok what you’re say-
ing. I don’t quite grok that. Run it by
again, would you?

gronk[grONk] n. a nasty substance, such as
dirt that collects between the toes. I
don’t want to hear any more at all about
your gronk. What is this gronk here?

gronk (out)in. to conk out;to crash, as
with a car or a computer. My car
gronked out on the way to work this morn-
ing. The program gronks every time I
start to run it.

grooven. something pleasant or cool. (See
also in the groove.) This day has been
a real groove. Man, what a groove!

grooved[gruvd] mod. pleased. I am so
grooved. I’ll just kick back and meditate.
You sure look grooved. What’s been hap-
pening in your life?

groove on someone or somethingin. to
show interest in someone or something;
to relate to someone or something. 
Fred was beginning to groove on new age
music when he met Phil. Sam is really
grooving on Mary.

groovingmod. enjoying; being cool and
laid back. Look at those guys grooving
in front of the television set. They were
just sitting there grooving.

groovy 1. mod. cool;pleasant. Man, this
music is groovy. What a groovy day! 2.
mod. drug intoxicated. (Drugs.) Three
beers and he was a little groovy. She’s
groovy, but she can still stand up. 3. mod.
out-of-date; passé. (California.) Yo u r
clothes are so groovy. It barfs me out. 
Oh, how groovy!

gross[gros] mod. crude; vulgar; disgusting.
(Slang only when overused.) This food
is gross! What a gross thing to even

gross-out 1. n. something disgusting. 
This whole day has been a total gross-out.
That horror movie was a real gross-out.

  1. mod. disgusting; gross. What a
    gross-out day this has been! We ll , it
    looks like another gross-out movie.
    gross someone out tv. to disgust some-
    one. Those horrible pictures just gross
    me out. TJim’s story totally grossed out

grotty[“gradi] mod. highly undesirable.
(Originally British. From grotesque. See
also grody.) Let’s not see another grotty
movie tonight. What is this grotty stuff
they serve here? It’s not grotty!
groundedmod. confined to one’s home.
(The standard punishment for a teenager.
See also campused.) Tracy is grounded
for a week because she came in late. Yo u
are grounded, and I don’t want to hear an-
other word about it!

ground-poundern. an infantry soldier.
(Military.) If you join the Army, it
means a lot of your life spent as a ground-
pounder. You won’t find me among the
ground-pounders. I have f lat feet.
group-gropen. a group of people engaged
in sexual activities. That party turned
into a hopeless group-grope. The group-
grope was busted up by you-know-who.

groupien. a young woman who follows a
band seeking romance with the band
members. Would you believe that Sally
was a groupie when she was 19? Yo u
mean all those young girls are groupies?
grouse[graUs] 1. in. to complain. Paul
is always grousing about something. 
Stop grousing and look on the good side of
things. 2. n. a woman; women considered
sexually. Who’s the grouse I saw you
with last night? Look at that grouse over
there. 3. in. to neck; to pet and kiss. 
They stopped grousing in order to come up
for air. They were grousing in the back-
seat the whole trip.

grovel[“gravl] in. to fondle or pet. They
spent the whole time in the backseat grov-
eling. He always wants to go out and

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