Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
nasty guck on my throat and told me not
to swallow for a while.

gucky[“g@ki] mod. thick and sticky; yucky.
This is a gucky day. Look at the sky. 
Yes, it is gucky. There is a lot of gucky
oil and grease on the garage f loor.

guff[g@f] 1. n. nonsense; bunkum. Wow,
that vice president guy can sure dish out
the guff! No more guff outa you, okay?

  1. n. back talk; complaining. I don’t
    want to hear any more of your guff. 
    That’s enough of your guff! 3. n. a strange
    person; a nerd. (Possibly related to goof.)
    Wally acts like a guff when we go out. I
    am going to break up with him. Some
    old guff driving an Edsel yelled at us when
    we crossed the street.

gug[g@g] n. a repellent person. Oo, he’s
such a gug! Rocko is not a gug!

GUIGo to gooey.

gulfn. heroin from the Persian Gulf region.
(Drugs.) This gulf is f looding the coun-
try. Those pushers can call anything
gulf. How does anybody know where it’s

gumby[“g@mbi] n. a tall, squared-off and
slanting haircut that looks like the
Gumby character’s head. Wayne came
to school sporting a gumby and got a lot
of attention. Ted got sent to the princi-
pal’s office because of his gumby.

gumbyhead[“g@mbihEd] n. someone who
does stupid things like the character,
Gumby. Fred is a total gumbyhead. He
does all the wrong things. Don’t be a
gumbyhead. Don’t drink and drive.

gump[g@mp] n. a fool; an oaf. Who’s the
gump in the yellow slacks? Don’t act like
such a gump!

gumshoe[“g@m”Su] n. a policeman or a de-
tective. (Underworld. Also a term of ad-
dress. So-named for wearing silent, gum-
rubber soles.) Has that gumshoe been
around asking questions again? Look,
gumshoe, what do you want with me?

gun 1. n. a hired gunman; a bodyguard, an
assassin, or a member of a gang of crim-
inals. (Underworld and Western.) 
Willie and his guns came by to remind

Gary of what he owed Mr. Big. Te l l y o u r
guns to lay off. 2. n. a leader; the key
member of a group. Who’s the gun
around here? Willie is the gun, and what
he says goes. 3. tv. to race an engine; to
rev up an engine. See how loud it is
when I gun it? Gun the thing again and
let me hear it. 4. Go to guns.
gunboats and battleshipsn. big feet; big
shoes. Hasn’t he got the biggest gun-
boats you ever saw? Whose battleships
are these under the coffee table?
gun for someonein. to be looking for
someone, not necessarily with a gun. 
Sam is gunning for Bart. The French
prof is gunning for you.
gunge[g@ndZ] n. a skin irritation in the
groin. (See also crotch-rot. Said of
males.) I got the gunge. What’ll I do?
The sawbones’ll give you something for
the gunge.
gungeon[“g@ndZ@n] n. a potent type of
marijuana from Africa or Jamaica; a cig-
arette made of this marijuana. Where
can I get some of that gungeon? Is this
gungeon really from Africa?
gung-ho[“g@N”ho] mod. zealous; enthusi-
astic. We’re really gung-ho about the
possibilities of this product. Pete always
seems so gung-ho about everything. He’s
a gung-ho guy.
gungy and grungy[“g@ndZi and “gr@ndZi]
mod. messy; nasty; worn-out. (See also
grunge.) Get your grungy feet off the
sofa. The weather is so grungy today.
gunk[g@Nk] 1. n. any nasty, messy stuff. 
What is this gunk on the counter? Get
this gunk up off the f loor before it dries.

  1. n. glue sniffed as a drug. (Drugs.) 
    This kid is high on gunk. I thought that
    it was illegal to sell gunk.
    gunnern. an earnest student. (Collegiate.)
    Martin is a gunner, all right. The
    gunners in my algebra class always get
    the A’s.
    gunny[“g@ni] n. a potent marijuana from
    Jamaica or Africa. (Drugs.) Is this
    gunny really from Jamaica? This gunny
    is just junk, plain old junk.

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