Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
refers to bending the elbow with a drink
in hand. Use caution with hell.) Wa lly
is a hellbender from way back. Jed is a
world-class hellbender.

heller and hell raisern. a rowdy person;
a hell-raising person. (Use caution with
hell.) Ernie was a real heller when he
was younger. A bunch of hell raisers kept
me up late last night.

hellholen. a hot and crowded place; any
unpleasant place. (Use caution with hell.)
I want out of this hellhole. The the-
ater was an over-crowded hellhole. Lucky
there was no fire.

Hello?exclam. Did you hear me?; Are you
aware that I am talking to you? A: I
don’t want any of that. B: Here, have some.
A: Hello? No, I don’t want any.

hell of a messn. a terrible mess. (See also
mell of a hess. Use caution with hell.)
This is really a hell of a mess you’ve got-
ten us into. I never dreamed I’d come
back to such a hell of a mess.

hell of a noten. a surprising or amazing
piece of news. (Use caution with hell.) 
Well, that’s a hell of a note! Yo u f o r g o t
it. That’s a hell of a note.

hell of a someone or something and
helluva someone or something 1. n.
a very bad person or thing. (Use caution
with hell.) That’s a hell of a way to treat
someone. He’s a hell of a driver! Watch
out! 2. n. a very good person or thing.
(Use caution with hell.) He is one hell
of a guy. We really like him. We had a
helluva good time.

hell-on-wheelsn. a very impressive per-
son or thing; an extreme type of person
or thing. (Use caution with hell.) Fred
is really hell-on-wheels when it comes to
getting those little jobs done on time. 
This little machine is hell-on-wheels for
general woodworking purposes.

hellpign. a fat and ugly girl or woman.
(Derogatory.) Who was that hellpig you
were out with last night? Comb your
hair. You look like some hellpig!

hell raiserGo to heller.

Hell’s bells (and buckets of blood)!ex-
clam. Dammit! (Use caution with hell.)
Oh, hell’s bells and buckets of blood! I
forgot my keys. Hell’s bells! I’m late.
helluva someone or somethingGo to
hell of a someone or something.
hemp 1. n. a smelly cigar. Get that vile
hemp out of here! Can you imagine
somebody bringing an old hemp like that
in here? 2. n. cannabis. (Drugs.) The
guy sort of smells like hemp. I smell
hemp in here.
hen fruitn. (chicken) eggs. I always have
hen fruit for breakfast. There’s nothing
like hen fruit and bacon.
hen partyn. a gossipy party attended by
women. I have a hen party every
few weeks. We love to get together. I
wouldn’t be caught dead at one of those
hen parties.
hep[hEp] mod. aware; informed. The
chick is simply not hep. Fred is one of
the most hep guys you’re going to run into.
hepped (up)mod. alcohol intoxicated. 
Wally is a little too hepped up to drive
home. Harry’s too hepped to stand up.
herb and erbn. marijuana. (Drugs.) 
Sam is very fond of herb. Carl has found
a way to synthesize the erb.
Herb and Aln. marijuana and alcohol. 
I’m afraid that Tom’s best friends are Herb
and Al. Wally asked us over to meet
Herb and Al.
Here’s looking at you.sent. I salute you.
(A polite drinking toast.) Well, here’s
looking at you. Here’s looking at you.
Bottoms up!
Here’s mud in your eye.sent. I salute you.
(A jocular drinking toast.) Here’s mud
in your eye. Bottoms up! Well, here’s
mud in your eye. Care for another?
Here’s the deal.tv. This is the plan,
scheme, or proposition. Okay, here’s
the deal. You pass the ball to Bob, and I’ll
run in the opposite direction.
hero (of the underworld)n. heroin. 
Don says he knows the hero of the under-
world well. Sam stays away from hero.

hero (of the underworld)
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