Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
Wilson account? That howler cost us

howling (drunk)mod. alcohol intoxicated;
loudly drunk. Wally got howling drunk
and ran in the streets with his coat off. 
He was just howling!

How(’re) they hanging?interrog. <an in-
quiry calling for a report of the state of
a male’s testicles.> (See also Getting any?
Usually objectionable.)  How they
hanging, Fred? You’re looking okay.
How’re they hanging?

how the other half livesn. how poorer
people live; how richer people live. 
Now I am beginning to understand how
the other half lives. Most people don’t
care how the other half lives.

How ya living?interrog. How are you do-
ing? (The response is Living large.) 
How ya living, man? Yo! How ya living?

HTHn. hometown honey, a sweetheart
from home or still at home. (Initialism.
Collegiate.) Wally is my HTH, but I
think I’ve outgrown him. I heard that
Mary is Sam’s HTH.

hubbas n. crystallized cocaine; crack.
(Drugs.) A ten-year-old died yesterday
from hubbas. They arrested an eight-
year-old for selling hubbas.

hubby[“h@bi] n. a husband. My hubby
will be late tonight. Where is your hubby

huffer[“h@f#] n. a person (teenager) who
inhales glue vapors or some other solvent
for a high. (Drugs.) The age of the huf-
fers has come to an end. Now they start out
on crack. His school work suffered be-
cause he was a huffer.

huffymod. angry; haughty. Now, don’t
get huffy. I said I was sorry, didn’t I? 
Who’s the huffy old lady? She was so
huffy about it.

hughie[“hjui] in. to empty one’s stomach;
to vomit. (See also cry hughie.) I gotta
go hughie. Oo, who hughied?

hug the porcelain god(dess) and hug
the thronetv. to vomit; to vomit while
holding on to the toilet seat. The girls

drank a lot of beer and two of them spent
the night hugging the porcelain god. I
don’t want to get drunk and have to hug
the porcelain goddess all night.
hug the throneGo to hug the porcelain

humdinger and hummer[“h@m”dIN# and
“h@m#] n. someone or something excel-
lent. Now, this one is a real humdinger.
Yup, he’s a hummer all right.
hum jobn. a sexual act involving holding
the penis in the mouth while humming.
(Usually objectionable.) He asked for
a hum job, so she gave him a lullaby. 
The hooker wanted $30 for a hum job.
hummerGo to humdinger.

humongous[hju”maNg@s] mod. huge. (See
also mongo.) She lives in a humongous
house on the hill. Wally has a humon-
gous nose.
hump 1. tv. & in. to copulate [with] some-
one. (Refers to male arching his back in
copulation, as in fornicate.Usually ob-
jectionable.) The sailor spent his entire
leave drinking and humping. 2. n. an act
of copulation. (Usually objectionable.) 
The sailor said he needed a hump and left
the ship for the port. 3. n. a person who
will copulate without much persuasion.
(Usually objectionable.) He’s okay as
a hump, but he can’t dance. She’s just a
hump. They’re not hard to find these days.

hump (along)in. to move along in a hurry.
I guess I’d better hump along over there.
Come on, move it! Hump to the main
office and be fast about it!
hump it (to somewhere)tv. to move
rapidly (to somewhere). I have to
hump it over to Kate’s place right now. 
You’ll have to hump it to get there in time.
humpymod. sexually aroused; horny. (See
also hump. Usually objectionable.) I’m
so humpy, I could screw a cow. She gets
humpy when she watches those movies.

hung 1. mod. hungover. John is really
hung this morning. I’m miserable when
I’m hung. 2. mod. annoyed. Fred is
hung and looking for somebody to take it

howling (drunk)

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