Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
out on. How can you get so hung about
practically nothing? 3. Go to well-hung.

hung like a bullmod. having large testicles
or genitals in general, like a bull. (Said
of a male. Usually objectionable.) Old
Chuck is hung like a bull, but he don’t care
much for women. Well, he’s not exactly
hung like a bull, or anything else for that

hungovermod. having a hangover from
too much alcohol.  John is really
hungover today. I can’t eat when I’m

thehungriesn. hunger. (See also (blind)
munchies.) Jimmy’s crying because he’s
got the hungries. I get the hungries
about this time every day.

hungry 1. mod. eager to make money. He
doesn’t sell enough because he’s not hun-
gry enough. When he gets hungry for
wealth, he’ll get busy. 2. mod. ambitious.
He gets ahead because he’s hungry. 
We like to hire the hungry ones.

hunkn. a strong and sexually attractive
male. Larry is a real hunk. Who was
that hot hunk I saw you with?

hunk of assGo to piece of ass.

hunk of tailGo to piece of ass.

hunkyGo to honky.

hunky-dory[“h@Nki”dori] mod. fine; okay.
As a matter of fact, everything is just
hunky-dory. That is a hunky-dory idea
all right.

hurl 1. in. to empty one’s stomach; to
vomit. (Like the throw in throw up.) I
think I gotta go hurl. 2. n. vomit. 
There’s hurl all over the bathroom f loor!

hurry up and waitin. to be alternately
rushed and delayed in a hectic situation.
(Often with the force of a modifier.) 
I hate to hurry up and wait. It’s always
hurry up and wait around here.

hurt 1. mod. very ugly; damaged and ugly.
(Black. Similar to hurting.) Man, are
you hurt! That poor girl is really bad
hurt. 2. mod. drug intoxicated. (Black.)
Gert was really hurt and nodding and

drooling. One hit of that horse trank
and he was really hurt.
hurt for someone or somethingin. to
long after someone or something; to need
someone or something. Sam really
hurts for Mary. I sure am hurting for a
nice big steak.
hurting 1. mod. very ugly; in pain from ug-
liness. (Similar to hurt.) That dog of
yours is something to behold. It’s really
hurting. Man, is she hurting! 2. mod.
seriously in need of something, such as
a dose of drugs. (Drugs.) Gert is hurt-
ing. She needs something soon. When
Ernie is hurting, he takes barbs.
hush-hush[“h@S”h@S] 1. mod. secret; un-
dercover. The matter is so hush-hush I
can’t talk about it over the phone. What
is all this hush-hush stuff? 2. mod. se-
cretly. They did it so hush-hush that no
one knew for a long time. What are all
these hush-hush plans you have made?
hush moneyn. money paid to buy some-
one’s silence. They paid enough hush
money to silence an army. There was
some hush money paid to someone in city
hush someone up 1. tv. to make someone
be quiet. Please hush your baby up! 2.
tv. to kill someone. Nobody knew how
to get to Mr. Big to hush him up. TMr.
Big told Sam to hush up Bart.
hush something uptv. to keep something
a secret; to try to stop a rumor from
spreading. We just couldn’t hush it up.
TWe wanted to hush up the story, but
there was no way to do it.
husky[“h@ski] n. a strong man; a thug. 
Tell your husky to lay off, Bruno. A cou-
ple of huskies helped me get my car un-
hustle[“h@sl] 1. in. to move rapidly; to
hurry. Come on, hustle, you guys. It’s
late. I’ve got to hustle. 2. n. hurried move-
ment; confusion. All the hustle and
confusion made it hard to concentrate. 
I can’t work when there is all this hustle
around me. 3. n. a scheme to make
money; a special technique for making
money. (Underworld. This includes drug

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