Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

I’m there!sent. I will accept your invitation
and I will be there. Sounds like it will
be a great rally. I’m there! If you and
Tom are going to get together and watch
the game, I’m there!

in 1. mod. current; fashionable. This kind
of thing is in now. What’s in around
here in the way of clothing? 2. mod. pri-
vate. Is this in information? If it’s in
or something, I’m sure they won’t spread it
around. 3. n. someone in a special posi-
tion; someone who is serving in an elec-
tive office. Well, now that I am an in,
there’s going to be some changes. When
Ralph is one of the ins, he’ll throw the
crooks out. 4. n. a ticket or means of get-
ting in (someplace). I lost my in. Can
I still see the show? Lemme see your in
or give me a buck.

in a bad wayGo to in bad shape.

in a big waymod. very much; urgently. 
I’m really interested in her in a big way.
He plays to win—in a big way.

in a blue funkmod. sad; depressed. I’ve
been in a blue funk all week. Don’t be
in a blue funk. Things’ll get better.

in a cold sweatmod. in a state of fear. 
He stood there in a cold sweat, waiting for
something to happen. I was in a cold
sweat while they counted the ballots.

in action 1. mod. healthy and getting
around. After I got well, I was in action
again immediately. When will she be in
action again? 2. mod. selling or using
drugs. (Drugs.) Bart is in action about
twenty hours a day. In this neighbor-
hood, somebody is in action twenty-four
hours a day.

in a dithermod. confused; undecided. 
Mary is sort of in a dither lately. Don’t
get yourself in a dither.

in a familiar waymod. pregnant. (Eu-
phemistic for in a family way.) Tra c y
is in a familiar way, have you heard? In
a familiar way again?

in a family way and in the family way
mod. pregnant. I hear that Tracy is in
a family way. Is she in the family way

in a flashmod. right away; immediately.
(See also flash.) Get over here in a
f lash, or else. I’ll be there in a f lash.
in a heapmod. alcohol intoxicated. Poor
Jed’s in a heap again. The guys were all
in a heap after the blast.
in a jammod. in a difficult situation. I
think I’m sort of in a jam. Sam is in a
in a jiff(y)mod. right away; immediately.
(See also jiffy.) I’ll be there in a jiffy.
The clerk’ll be with you in a jiff.
in a snitmod. in a fit of anger or irrita-
tion. Don’t get in a snit. It was an ac-
cident. Mary is in a snit because they
didn’t ask her to come to the shindig.
in a tizzymod. in a state of mental disor-
der. Fred is all in a tizzy. The whole
office is in a tizzy today.
in a twitmod. upset; frantic. She’s all in
a twit because she lost her keys. Pete was
in a twit and was quite rude to us.
in a twittermod. in a giddy state; silly. 
Don’t get yourself in a twitter. We w e re
all in a twitter over the upcoming event.
in bad shape and in a bad way 1. mod.
injured or debilitated in any manner. 
Fred had a little accident, and he’s in
bad shape. Tom needs exercise. He’s
in bad shape. 2. mod. pregnant. Tra c y ’s
in bad shape again, I hear. Yup, she’s in
bad shape all right—about three months
in bad shape. 3. mod. alcohol intoxicated.
Two glasses of that stuff and I’m in
really bad shape. Fred is in bad shape.
I think he’s going to toss his cookies.
in businessmod. operating; equipped to
operate. We’re in business now, and
things are running smoothly. Now it
works. Now we’re in business.
incensen. marijuana. (Drugs.) I think I
smell some incense somewhere in this
building. Hank likes to burn a little in-
cense every now and then.
incentiven. cocaine. (Drugs. See also ini-
tiative.) Maybe a little of that incen-
tive would make me work harder. That’s
pretty expensive incentive.

I’m there!

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