Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
and tried to kick the habit. It’s hard to
kick the habit.

kick the shit out of someoneGo to beat
the shit out of someone.

kick up a stormtv. to create a disturbance;
to put on an angry display. My dad will
just kick up a storm when he finds out. 
The demand made us all kick up a storm.

kickymod. exciting and energetic. Man,
what a kicky idea! She is a real kicky gal.

kidney-buster 1. n. a rough ride; a rough
road. This road is a kidney-buster. I
wish they’d fix it. That kidney-buster
damaged my car. 2. n. an uncomfortable
or poorly built seat in a vehicle. I have
to get this kidney-buster replaced. This
kidney-buster is going to ruin my back.

kid stuffn. marijuana, a drug for begin-
ners.(Drugs.) That grass is kid stuff.
He’s still using kid stuff.

kid-vid[“kIdvId] n. children’s television;
television programming aimed at chil-
dren. Kid-vid isn’t good for anything
other than selling cereal. I don’t know.
Kid-vid is fun.

kiesterGo to keester.

kill 1. tv. to be very successful with an au-
dience; to perform very well for an au-
dience. She really killed them with that
last joke. She killed them, and they died
with laughter. 2. tv. to eat all of some-
thing; to drink all (of a bottle) of some-
thing. Kill this bottle so we can get an-
other. We finally killed the last of the
turkey. 3. tv. to douse a light. Kill that
light! Would you kill the light so they
can’t see we’re home? 4. tv. to stop or ter-
minate something; to quash a story; to
stop a story from being printed in a
newspaper. Kill that story. It’s got too
many errors. This issue has gone to
press. Too late to kill it.

killed (off)mod. alcohol or drug intoxi-
cated. (Drugs.) The team went out
drinking and came home killed off. 
Man, were those guys killed.

killer 1. n. a marijuana cigarette. How
about a killer, Bart? He’s always smok-
ing a killer. 2. n. a very funny joke. 

That last one was a killer! She told a
killer about a red-nosed juicer. 3. n. some-
thing extraordinary. That jacket is a
real killer! That car is a killer. I like it!

  1. mod. extraordinary; great. What a
    killer jacket you’re wearing! This is a
    killer hamburger all right.
    killer-dillern. an excellent thing or person.
    She is just a real killer-diller. This
    story is a real killer-diller.

killer weed 1. n. very potent marijuana.
(Drugs.) Wow, this stuff is killer weed!
This killer weed is oregano, I think. 2.
n. phencyclidine (PCP), an animal tran-
quilizer. (Drugs.) Killer weed seems to
be a favorite around here just now. 
Killer weed, KJ—it’s all exactly the same
killingn. a great financial success. Sally
made a real killing in the stock market. 
Fred made a killing in real estate.
killjoyn. a person who takes the fun out of
things for other people; a party-pooper.
Don’t be such a killjoy! Larry is such
a killjoy when he gets nervous.

kilobucksn. a tremendous sum of money.
(See also megabucks.) These boon-
doggles waste kilobucks! How many
kilobucks does a set of wheels like that cost?
King Grod[...grad] n. a very repellent
male. (California.) You are just King
Grod! So gross! Ralph is almost King

King Kong pills and King Kong specials
n. barbiturates. (Drugs. See also gorilla
biscuits.) Watch out for those King
Kong pills. Don’t mix these King Kong
specials with booze.
King Kong specialsGo to King Kong pills.
kingpinn. a major figure in organized
crime. (Underworld.) Mr. Big is not
your typical kingpin. He likes to play the
stock market, too. The drug kingpins are
well protected.

kink 1. n. a strange person; a kinky person.
The guy’s a kink. Watch out for him. 
There are kinks all over this place. 2. n. a
sexually deviant person. He was a kink,

kick the shit out of someone

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