Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
and I broke up with him. The kinks con-
gregate two streets over.

kinky and bent; twisted 1. mod. having
to do with someone or something strange
or weird. The guy is so kinky that every-
one avoids him. Who is that twisted
dame in the net stockings? 2. mod. hav-
ing to do with unconventional sexual acts
or people who perform them. She
seems to have a morbid interest in kinky
stuff. He showed her a picture of some
kind of bent sexual thing.

kipin. to sleep. He’s upstairs kipping. Can
he call you back? He’ll kip for about an-
other hour.

kipetv. to steal something. Where did
you kipe this thing? The punk kiped a
newspaper just for the heck of it.

kiper[“kaIp#] n. a thief; someone who
steals. The punk is a two-bit kiper and
needs to be taught a lesson. You dirty lit-
tle kiper. Give it back!

kiss-ass 1. n. someone who is servile and
obsequious. (Rude and derogatory.) 
I’m fed up with that kiss-ass! Don’t be
such a sniveling kiss-ass! 2. mod. servile
and obsequious. (Usually objectionable.)
He can be so kiss-ass. It makes me sick.
That’s a silly kiss-ass way to go about
something. 3. in. to act subservient (to
someone). (Usually objectionable.) 
Stop kiss-assing around and stand up to
your employer. That guy will kiss-ass his
way to the top.

kissern. the face; the mouth. (See also right
in the kisser.) I poked him right in the
kisser. There he stood with a bloody

Kiss my ass!tv. Drop dead!; Go to hell!
(Usually objectionable.) Kiss my ass,
you creep! You can just kiss my ass!

kiss of deathn. the direct cause of the end
of someone or something. The ordi-
nance was the kiss of death for our bud-
ding jazz band. Your attitude was the
kiss of death for your employment here.

kiss offn. the dismissal of someone or
something. (Usually kiss-off.) The
kiss-off was when I lost the Wilson con-

tract. Pete got the kiss off and is now
looking for a new job. 2. n. death. (Usu-
ally kiss-off.) When the time comes for
the kiss-off, I hope I’m asleep. The kiss-
off came wrapped in lead, and it was in-
stant. 3. in. to die. The cat is going to
have to kiss off one of these days soon. 
The cat kissed off after eighteen years of
joy and devotion.
kiss someone or something offtv. 
John had instructions to kiss Bart off. T
Max wanted to kiss off John, too.
kiss someone’s asstv. to fawn over some-
one; to flatter and curry favor with some-
one. (Usually objectionable. Use ass with
discretion.) What does he expect me to
do? Kiss his ass? I won’t kiss your ass for
kiss someone’s hind titGo to suck some-
one’s hind tit.
kiss something good-byetv. to face and
accept the loss of something. Well, you
can kiss that 100 bucks good-bye. I
kissed my chance for success good-bye.
kiss something offtv. to forget about
something; to ignore something. Just
kiss it off. You’ve lost your chance. TJust
kiss off any idea you might have had about
running for office.
kiss the dusttv. to fall to the earth, be-
cause of death or because of being struck.
(Western movies. See also bite the dust.)
I’ll see that you kiss the dust before sun-
set, cowboy! You’ll kiss the dust before I
will, Sheriff.
kiss the porcelain godtv. to empty one’s
stomach; to vomit. He f led the room
to kiss the porcelain god, I guess. Who’s
in there kissing the porcelain god?
kiss up to someonein. to flatter someone;
to make over someone. I’m not going
to kiss up to anybody to get what’s right-
fully mine. If I have to kiss up to her, I
guess I will.
kissyface[“kIsifes] 1. n. kissing. There
was a lot of kissyface going on in the back-
seat. They’re mostly involved with kissy-
face at this age. 2. mod. feeling the need
to kiss and be kissed. I feel all kissyface.

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