Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
knocked back three beers in a row. Let’s
knock back another one or two and leave.

knock bootstv.to copulate. He said he
wanted to knock boots with her.

knockdown drag-out fightn. a prolonged
and hard fight. Trying to get my pro-
posal accepted was a knockdown drag-out
fight. I don’t want to get involved in
a knockdown drag-out fight over this

knocked inmod. arrested. (Underworld.)
Would you believe that Rocko has never
been knocked in? When Lefty was
knocked in, they found his heater on him.

knocked out 1. mod. exhausted. We
were all knocked out at the end of the day.
I’m knocked out after just a little bit of
work. 2. mod. overwhelmed. We w e re
just knocked out when we heard your news.
Were we surprised? We were knocked
out—elated! 3. mod. alcohol or drug in-
toxicated. They were all knocked out by
midnight. Gary was knocked out when
we dropped by, so we tried to sober him up.

knocked up 1. mod. battered; beaten. 
Sally was a little knocked up by the acci-
dent. This book is a little knocked up,
so I’ll lower the price. 2. mod. alcohol in-
toxicated. Bill was knocked up and
didn’t want to drive. Wow, was that guy
knocked up! 3. mod. pregnant. Tra c y
got knocked up again. Isn’t she knocked
up most of the time?

knockers 1. n. the breasts. (Usually objec-
tionable.) Nice knockers, huh? All
you think about is knockers. 2. n. the
testicles. (Usually objectionable.) 
Pow, right in the knockers. Ye gods, it
hurt!He turned sideways to protect his

Knock it off!exclam. Be quiet!; Shut up!
Hey, you guys! Knock it off! I’m try-
ing to sleep! Knock it off!

knock off (work)in. to quit work, for the
day or for a break. What time do you
knock off work? I knock off about five-

knock one backGo to knock one over.

knock one over and knock one backtv.
to take a drink of liquor. He knocked
one over right away and demanded an-
other.THe knocked back one and belched
knockout 1. n. something that is quite
stunning. Your new car is a knockout.
Isn’t her dress a knockout? 2. n. a good-
looking man or woman. Your date is a
real knockout. Who is that knockout I
saw you with last weekend? 3. mod. very
exciting. It was a real knockout evening.
What a knockout idea!

knock some heads togethertv. to scold
some people; to get some people to do
what they are supposed to be doing. 
Do I have to come in there and knock some
heads together, or will you kids settle
down? I knocked some heads together
and got the proposal out on time.
knock someone deadtv. to put on a stun-
ning performance or display for some-
one. She knocked us dead with her stun-
ning performance. Go out on that stage
and knock them dead, Sally.

knock someone offtv. to kill someone.
(Underworld. See also bump someone
off.) The mob knocked the witnesses off.
TThe cops would be happy if someone
wanted to knock off Mr. Big.
knock someone outtv. to surprise some-
one. Her stunning beauty knocked us all
out. TThe news knocked out the entire

knock someone’s block offtv. to hit
someone hard in the head. (See also
block.) Wilbur almost knocked Tom’s
block off by accident. He threatened to
knock my block off if I didn’t do as I was
knock someone some skintv. to shake
hands with someone. Hey, man, knock
me some skin! Pete knocked Sam some
skin, and they left the building together.

knock someone’s socks offtv. to surprise
or startle someone; to overwhelm some-
one.  Wow, that explosion nearly
knocked my socks off. This news’ll knock
your socks off.

knock someone’s socks off
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