Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

lubricationn. liquor. A little lubrication
would help this party a lot. Wally has
had a little too much lubrication.

lucci n. money. (Possibly from lucre,
“money, reward” as in filthy lucre.) 
Can you loan me some of that lucci?

luck of the drawn. the results of chance;
the lack of any choice. Why do I always
end up with the luck of the draw? The
team was assembled by chance. It was just
the luck of the draw that we could work
so well together.

luck outin. to be fortunate; to strike it
lucky. I really lucked out when I ordered
the duck. It’s excellent. I didn’t luck out
at all. I rarely make the right choice.

lucky dogn. a lucky person, perhaps un-
deserving. (Also a term of address.) 
You lucky dog! Bart was a lucky dog be-
cause he won the football pool.

luden. a capsule of Quaalude™, a tran-
quilizer. (Drugs.) A couple of ludes put
Max in a better mood. I don’t know
what he gave me. Mary said it was a lude
or something.

lug[l@g] n. a stupid male. Is this lug both-
ering you, lady? Some lug on a tractor
was holding up traffic.

lugheadn. a stupid person. (Also a term of
address.) What a lughead! How can you
be so dumb? Hey, lughead! Watch where
you are going.

alulun. someone or something extraordi-
nary. Man, that car’s a lulu! Yo u r
fiend there is a real lulu.

lumbo and limbo[“l@mbo and “lImbo] n.
Colombian marijuana. (Drugs. See also
lum(s).) He showed up with a bag of
lumbo. Hey, Bart! You are just in time
with the limbo, man.

lummox and lommix; lummux[“l@maks
and “l@m@ks] n. a heavy, awkward, stu-
pid person. He looks like a big lummox,

but he can really dance. Sam is what you
would call a lummux—but not to his face,
of course.
lummuxGo to lummox.
lumpn. a stupid clod of a man. I am not
a lump! I am just sedate and pensive. 
Who is that lump leaning over the bar?
Lump it!exclam. Forget it!; Go away! (See
also Like it or lump it!) Well, you can
just lump it! Lump it! Drop dead!
lumpus[“l@mp@s] n. a stupid oaf. You are
a silly lumpus! Is this lumpus giving you
any trouble, ma’am?
lum(s)[l@m(z)] n. cannabis from Colombia.
(The lumis based on the misspelling Co-
lumbia.) Bruno preferred lums, but he
would take what he could get. If it
weren’t for lum, our trade deficit wouldn’t
be so bad.
lung-buttern. vomit. God, you got lung-
butter on my shoe!

lungern. a large and nasty mass of phlegm
coughed up from the lungs and spat out.
(See also nose-lunger.) Wayne loved to
pretend that he was going to plant a lunger
on somebody’s shoe.
lurkern. someone who reads the messages
in an Internet new group without out re-
sponding or participating. (Sometimes
considered derogatory.) These lurkers
read everything but never contribute.
lush 1. n. liquor. Who’s bringing the lush
to the party? Lead me to the lush. 2.
and lush upin. to drink alcohol to ex-
cess. Come over sometime, and we’ll
lush. We sat lushing up for an hour
waiting for the plane. 3. n. a drunkard.
I was afraid of it for some time, but now
I know. Tracy is a lush. There were four
confirmed lushes at the party, but they all
passed out and didn’t bother us much.
lush upGo to lush.


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