Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

mickey mouse 1. n. nonsense; something
trivial. (From the world-famous mouse
character by the same name, owned by
The Walt Disney Company.) This is
just a lot of mickey mouse. This mickey
mouse is wasting my time. 2. mod. triv-
ial; time wasting; lousy. I want out of
this mickey mouse place. No more
mickey mouse questions if I agree to stay?

  1. n. a police officer. (Streets.) Mickey
    mouse is hanging around asking about
    you. Tell mickey mouse he knows where
    to find me. 4. n. a bit of blotter impreg-
    nated with LSD with a picture of The
    Walt Disney Company’s Mickey Mouse
    on it. (Drugs.) How much is the mickey
    mouse? The mickey mouse is more than
    you want to pay.

mickey mouse earsn. the two lights
found on top of a police car. There
were no mickey mouse ears, but the jerk in-
side looked like your average ossifer. I
could see the outline of the mickey mouse
ears on the blue and white behind me.

mickey mouse habitn. a trivial drug
habit. (Drugs.) Nothing to it. Just a lit-
tle mickey mouse habit. I can stop any time
I want. I don’t care if it is a mickey
mouse habit. It’s a habit, and it’s illegal.

mickyGo to mickey.

middlebrowmod. middle-class; average or
mediocre. (Between highbrowand low-
brow.) She has average middlebrow
tastes and drives a mid-sized Chevrolet. 
He’s just too middlebrow. There are
some who look down on middlebrow in-
terests as trivial.

middle of nowheren. an isolated place. 
I don’t want to stay out here in the mid-
dle of nowhere. I was stranded in the
middle of nowhere for an hour with a f lat

midi[“mIdi] 1. n. a mid-length woman’s
garment. Shall I wear my midi, or is it
too hot? The midi is okay. 2. mod. hav-
ing to do with a mid-length woman’s gar-
ment. This midi style is out, and the
mini is back in. The midi length was just
transitional. Who decides on these things

miffedmod. angry. She was a little miffed
when I failed to show up, but she calmed
down after a while.
mifky-pifky (in the bushes)n. illicit sex;
hanky-panky. Jeff got caught again.
Mifky-pifky in the bushes seems to be his
style. Mifky-pifky is the way of the world
in Hollywood.
miln. a million. She rakes in about 3 mil
a year. The government spent 40 mil on
this building.
milk 1. tv. to attempt to persuade an audi-
ence to laugh or applaud. Mitzy tried
to milk the audience for applause. She
went on milking the crowd for adulation
long after they had demonstrated their ap-
preciation. 2. tv. to attempt to get recog-
nition from an audience. His perfor-
mance was marred by an amateurish
attempt to milk applause. If you’re good,
they’ll let you know it. If not, don’t milk
cheers, applause, or laughter.
milk a ducktv.to do [or not do] some-
thing totally impossible. I can’t do that.
I could milk a duck before I could do that.
She can’t do that. That’s harder than
milking a duck.
milledmod. alcohol intoxicated. (See also
cut.) She was cut up with all that
booze—milled, I guess. She was too
milled to drive and couldn’t walk either.
milquetoast[“mIlktost] n. a shy coward; an
effeminate male. (See also Caspar Mil-
quetoast.) This little milquetoast goes
up to the biker, looks at him sort of sad
like, and then karate chops him into a
quivering pulp. Some guy who looked
like a milquetoast came in and asked for
a set of brass knuckles.
Milwaukee goiter and German goiter
[mIl”wOki “goId# and “dZ#m@n “goId#]
n. a beer belly. (Refers to Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, a major beer-brewing city,
and to Germany.) By the time he was
twenty-six, he was balding and had a Mil-
waukee goiter that would tip him over if he
turned too fast. He was proud of his
German goiter.
mind-bender and mind-blowern. a hal-
lucinogenic drug, typically LSD. (Drugs.)

mickey mouse

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