Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
Neat!) Neat! I’m glad you came. Five
of them! Neat!

neato (canito)[“nito (k@”nito)] exclam.
really fine. Look at this! Neato canito!
What a great present. Neato!

neb(bish)[“nEb(IS)] n. a dull person; a jerk.
(From Yiddish.) Tracy is such a neb-
bish. Why doesn’t she just give up? Yo u
are such a neb!

Nebraska signn. a flat EEG indicating the
death of the patient being monitored.
(See also flatline. Medical.) The lady in
203 is giving the Nebraska sign. I think
she’s boxed. I saw the Nebraska sign on
my monitor, and knew it must not be
hooked up right.

thenecessaryn. money; an income. I
can always use more of the necessary. 
I gotta have more of the necessary, man.

neckin. to cuddle and kiss. (Always in ref-
erence to lovers or boy-girl relationships.)
There are some teenagers in the back
room, necking. Let’s go somewhere quiet
and neck.

neck and neckmod. almost even. (See also
nip and tuck.) The horses were neck
and neck at the finish line. They ran
neck and neck for the entire race.

needletv. to annoy someone. Tom is al-
ways needling Frank. Stop needling me!

needle candyn. narcotics that are taken
by injection. (Drugs. See also nose
(candy).) Max likes needle candy best
of all. Some people prefer needle candy
to food.

negativen. any drawback or bad thing
about someone or something. There
are too many negatives associated with
your plan. I know another negative you
didn’t mention.

negatorymod. no; negative. Q: Are you
going to leave now? A: Negatory.

nerd and nurd[n#d] n. a dull and book-
ish person, usually a male. Fred can be
such a nerd! That whole gang of boys is
just a bunch of nurds.

nerd magnetn. a girl or woman who at-
tracts dull males. Oh, Kim, sometimes

I feel like such a nerd magnet. Sally is
weary of dating total drips. She is a clas-
sic nerd magnet.
nerd mobilen. a full-sized, uninteresting
car; a family car. My father always buys
some kind of stupid nerd mobile. There
is nothing but nerd mobiles on our block.
nerd packn. a plastic sheath for holding
pens in a pocket, protecting the cloth
from ink. (This is the classic symbol of
a bookish nerd.) A lot of engineers have
nerd packs. A real nerd wears a nerd
pack in the pocket of a dirty shirt.
nertsGo to nurts.
nervous Nellien. any nervous person,
male or female. Sue is such a nervous
Nellie. She should calm down. Relax!
Don’t be such a nervous Nellie.
nervy 1. mod. nervous. Mary is so nervy.
Anything will set her off. Now, don’t get
nervy. 2. mod. daring; courageous. 
What a nervy guy! Don’t get nervy with
nest eggn. money saved for some impor-
tant purpose, such as retirement. I lost
most of my nest egg in the market crash. 
It takes years to build up a nest egg.
net resultn. the final result after all the as-
sets and liabilities have balanced out. 
The net result was that I was fired. I
don’t care about the little things. What is
the net result?
never mindphr. Forget it.; It doesn’t mat-
ter anymore. Never mind. I forget what
I was going to say. Oh, never mind. No-
body really cares anyway.
newshoundn. a newspaper reporter who
pursues a story with the same diligence
used by a bloodhound. If the news-
hounds get hold of this story, we’ll never
have any peace. Tell that newshound
that I’ll sue her if she prints that!
newtn. a stupid person; a dull and unin-
teresting person. Look, you silly newt,
you are wrong! Don’t act like such a
New York’s finestn. a New York City po-
lice officer. One of New York’s finest

New York’s finest
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