Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
back again. 2. mod. worthless; bad. Get
that no-good jerk out of here! I have
never heard of such a no-good car dealer-
ship before.

no-goodnik[no”gUdnIk] n. someone who
is no good. (The nik is from Russian via
Yiddish.) That no-goodnik is pestering
me again. Tell the no-goodnik to leave
quietly, or I will call the police.

no great shakesphr. someone or some-
thing not very good. (There is no affir-
mative version of this.) Your idea is no
great shakes, but we’ll try it anyway. Te d
is no great shakes when it comes to brains.

no holds barredmod. without restriction.
(There is no affirmative version of this.)
I want you to get that contract. Do any-
thing—no holds barred. Try anything
that will work, no holds barred.

noidn. a paranoidperson. Some of those
noids write hilarious letters to the editor.
Who’s the noid screaming about Big

noise 1. n. empty talk; nonsense. I’ve
had enough of your noise. Shut up! 
That’s nothing but noise. I want the truth.

  1. n. heroin. (Drugs.) Man, I need
    some noise now! I hurt! Bart is hooked
    on noise.

No kidding!exclam. I am not kidding.; You
are not kidding (are you)? No kidding!
I never thought she would do that. No
kidding, he’s really going to join the Air

No lie!exclam. Honest!; No kidding! I
really did it! No lie! I was there on time.
No lie! Ask my sister.

no name cigaretteGo to cigarette with
no name.

non compos[“nan “kampos] 1. mod. out of
one’s mind; non compos mentis. She is
strictly non compos! Don’t pay any at-
tention to her. She’s non compos. 2. and
non compos poopoomod. alcohol in-
toxicated. That gal isn’t just drunk.
She’s non compos poopoo. Two glasses
and he was non compos.

non compos poopooGo to non compos.

none of someone’s beeswax[...”biz-
wAks] n. none of someone’s business. 
It’s none of your beeswax. I’m not telling.
You’ll never know. The answer is none
of your beeswax.

no-no[“nono] n. something that is not (to
be) done. (Essentially juvenile.) Yo u
can’t smoke in here. That’s a no-no. She
seems to delight in doing all the no-nos.
No nukes![“no “nuks or “no “njuks] exclam.
a cry against nuclear energy, weapons,
submarines, etc. The marchers kept
chanting, “No nukes! No nukes!” No
nukes! Make my electricity the old-fash-
ioned way.

noodgeGo to nudge.

noodlen. (one’s) head. That’s using your
noodle. Put your hat on your noodle,
and let’s go.

noogien. a painful rubbing of someone’s
scalp with the knuckles. Bob gave Bill
a noogie and Bill punched him in the gut.

nopeinterj. no. I won’t do it! Nope. I
won’t! She asked him to do it, but he
said, “Nope.”
No problem. and No prob.; NPphr. All
is well.; There is no problem, so don’t
worry or fret. (Often said after someone
else says I’m sorry.) A: Gee! I’m sorry!
B: No prob.

no saleinterj. no. I wanted to go to
Florida for the holidays, but my father
said, “No sale.” No sale. You can’t do it.

nose-burner and nose-warmern. a mar-
ijuana cigarette stub; a roach. (Drugs.) 
Hey, man! Can I have a hit of that little
nose-burner? The cops found a nose-
warmer under the chair.

nose (candy)n. powdered drugs that are
inhaled, primarily cocaine, sometimes
heroin. (Drugs. See also needle candy.)
Bart has some nose candy for sale. 
Hey, man! Where can I get some nose?

nosediven. a great drop; a great decline.
(As with a bird or an airplane diving—
nose first—toward the ground. See also
take a nosedive.) This year our prof-


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