Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
its have taken a nosedive. Confidence in
the government took a sudden nosedive.

nose habitn. an addiction to sniffed drugs,
usually heroin or cocaine. (Drugs.) 
Bart is suffering with his nose habit. 
One sniff of that white powder and she’ll
get a nose habit, for sure.

nose hitn. marijuana smoke taken through
the nose from the burning end of the cig-
arette. (Drugs.) Bart likes to take nose
hits. Come on, Bart. Give me a nose hit!

nose jobn. a plastic surgery operation to
change the appearance of one’s nose. 
How much does a nose job cost? I don’t
want a nose job. What I got is good

nose-lunger[“nozl@N#] n. a mass of nasal
mucus. (See also lunger.) Wayne blew
a nose-lunger onto the wall and giggled. 
Beavis thought the funniest thing in the
world was having a nose-lunger dangling
from his chin.

nose-warmer 1. n. a short tobacco pipe. 
Fred smokes a nose-warmer, especially in
the winter. His nose-warmer almost set
his mustache on fire once. 2. Go to nose-

nosh[naS] 1. n. a snack. (From German via
Yiddish.) How about a little nosh? I
don’t want a nosh. I need a whole meal.

  1. in. to snack. You nosh too much. 
    Every time I see you, you’re noshing.

nosher[“naS#] n. someone who is always
eating snacks. (See also nosh.) I don’t
know of a single nosher who’s not fat. 
Fred’s a nosher. He’s always eating.

No Shinola![...SaI”nol@] exclam. You are
kidding!; No shit! (A play on the expres-
sion indicating that a stupid person
doesn’t know shit from Shinola. Shinola
is a brand of shoe polish.) So taxes are
too high? No Shinola! He’s late again?
No Shinola!

No shit!exclam. You are kidding me, aren’t
you! (Usually objectionable.) Yo u’r e
really gonna do it? No shit! No shit! She
let you go all the way?

nosh on something[“naS...] in. to make
a snack of something. After Thanks-

giving, we noshed on turkey for three days.
Who’s been noshing on the chocolate

no show and no-shown. someone who
doesn’t show up for something, such as
an airline flight. The f light was can-
celled because there were too many no-
shows. I have never been a no show, but
my brother does it all the time.

no soapinterj. no. I can’t do it. No soap.
No soap, I don’t lend anyone money.

no stressinterj. no problem; no bother. 
Don’t worry, man, no stress. Relax. No
stress. It doesn’t bother me at all.

no sweatinterj. no problem; Don’t worry;
it is no problem. It’s no big deal. No
sweat. No sweat, don’t fret about it.

nosy parker[“nozi “park#] n. a nosy per-
son. (Also a term of address.) Mary
can be such a nosy parker. Look, you
nosy parker, mind your own business.

Not!interj. Not really so! (A tag phrase
added to the end of a statement, chang-
ing it from affirmative to negative. There
is usually a pause before Not!, which is
said on a level pitch somewhat higher
than the sentence that comes before.) 
Of course I’m going to pay $100 a ticket
to see a rock concert. Not! I am deeply
in love with Kim. Not!

not a chanceinterj. no. Me lend you
money? Not a chance! I won’t go, not a
chance. Don’t ask.

not all that phr. not all that much.
(Streets.) A: She can run like the wind.
B: She can run fast but not all that. We
are almost as good as you say, but not all

not all theremod. crazy; stupid acting. 
Tom’s not all there. Really dense. Yo u
can’t depend on Paul for much help. He’s
really not all there.

notchtv. to count up something; to add up
or score something. Well, it looks like
we notched another victory. The crooks
notched one more theft before they were

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