Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

pep pilln. a stimulant pill or capsule, such
as an amphetamine. The doctor pre-
scribed some kind of pep pills, but I refused
to take them. Got any pep pills or any-

peppy 1. mod. vigorous; energetic. (See
also perky.) She’s such a peppy thing. 
I sure don’t feel very peppy right now. 2.
Go to pepped (up).

pep talkn. an informal speech of encour-
agement. The coach gave the team a
good pep talk, but they lost anyway. The
pep talk grew into a real gripe session.

Period!exclam.... and that’s final! (A way
of indicating that there will be no more
discussion or negotiation.) I don’t want
to hear any more about it! Period! My
final offer is $30.00. Period!

perkn. an extra financial benefit; a mon-
etary inducement or reward. (From
perquisite. See also benies.) I don’t get
paid much, but the perks are good. I
don’t get paid much, and I don’t get any

perked (up)mod. alcohol intoxicated. (See
also pepped (up).) Three beers and
he’s perked. No more. She’s done. She’s
perked up for good.

perkingmod. intoxicated. The guys are
really perking. They’ve had too much to

perky mod. energetic; alert. (See also
peppy.) Most poodles are quite perky.
A perky hostess keeps parties alive.

perp[p#p] n. a perpetrator; someone who
does something, such as committing a
crime. The cops were almost sure that
Bart was the perp in this job. The perp
left a good set of prints on the doorknob.

perpetrate[“p#p@tret] in. to pose; to pre-
tend. Terry is always walking around
perpetrating. He sure wants people to think
he’s somebody. Look at her clothes. Have
you ever seen anyone perpetrate like that?

persuadern. a gun or other weapon used
to threaten someone. (Underworld.) 
He pulls out this persuader, see, and aims
it right at me, see. Maybe my little per-

suader will help you remember where the
money is.
peskymod. annoying; bothersome. I am
going to kill that pesky f ly! I’ve had a
pesky headache all day.
Peter Jayn. <a nickname for a police of-
ficer.> You walk straight, or Peter Jay
is going to bust you. Here comes Peter
Jay in his pigmobile.
peter outin. to give out; to wear out. I’m
about to peter out. I need a rest. What’ll
we do when the money peters out?
pet peeven. a major or principal annoy-
ance or complaint. Dirty dishes in
restaurants are my pet peeve. He has no
pet peeve. He hates everything.
petrifiedmod. alcohol intoxicated. (Liter-
ally, turned into stone. Another way of
saying stoned.) She’s not drunk; she’s
petrified. He drank moonshine till he
was petrified.
petting-partyn. a session of kissing and
caressing. I just want to watch the
movie. I didn’t come here for some teenage
petting-party! We went to the passion-
pit for a petting-party.
PFDn. a potential formal date; someone
who looks good enough to be a date to a
formal affair. (Initialism. Collegiate.) 
That gal is a real PFD. Mike is no PFD,
but he is a great friend anyway.
PFMn. pure fucking magic, absolutely as-
tounding. The whole evening was PFM!
I had a great time!
PGmod. pregnant. (Initialism.) Do you
think Sally’s PG? I think I’m PG. You
know, pregnant.
phasedGo to phazed.
phat and PHAT 1. mod. good; excellent.
(This is essentially a respelling offat, and
can have all the senses that fathas. Also
explained as pretty, hot, and tempting.) 
His new car is really phat. Who is that
phat chick you were with? 2. phr. pretty
hips and thighs. (Initialism. A reinter-
pretation of the spelling.) Now, that’s
what I like, PHAT. PHAT is what it’s all

pep pill

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