Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

pilen. a large amount of money. She
really made a pile in the stock market. 
That old lady has a pile of money stashed
in the bank.

pile of shit 1. n. a mass of lies. (Refers to
bullshit. Usually objectionable.) He
came in and told me this great pile of shit
about how his alarm clock was in the shop.
Don’t give me that pile of shit! I know
the truth! 2. n. any worthless structure or
device. (Usually objectionable.) Ta k e
this pile of shit back where you bought it
and get your money back. 3. n. a totally
worthless person. (Rude and derogatory.)
Todd, you are the biggest pile of shit I’ve
ever seen. Don’t be such a pile of shit!

pileupn. a wreck; a vehicular crash where
more than one vehicle is heavily dam-
aged. There is a serious pileup on the ex-
pressway. My car was ruined in a pileup
on the highway.

pilfered[“pIlf#d] mod. alcohol intoxicated.
I’ve had too much. I’m beginning to feel
pilfered. That old boy is really pilfered.

pill 1. thepilln. a birth control pill. (Al-
ways with thein this sense.) Is Sally
on the pill? The pill has really changed
my life. 2. n. a tobacco cigarette; a mar-
ijuana cigarette. Hey, toss me a pill,
huh? I’ll trade you a pill for a match.

  1. n. a drug in capsule form. Stop tak-
    ing those pills! The doctor prescribed
    these pills. 4. n. a football. Hank tossed
    the pill to Wally, who promptly dropped
    it. Fred kicked the pill through the goal
    and won the game.

pill-dropperGo to pill-popper.

pill freakGo to pillhead.

pillhead and pill freakn. a drug user who
prefers drugs in pill or capsule form.
(Drugs.) You pill freaks should try some
of this stuff. I don’t smoke. I’m strictly
a pillhead.

pillowedmod. pregnant. (Refers to the
swelling in a pregnant woman’s ab-
domen.) She does look a bit pillowed,
doesn’t she? I think I’m more than a bit

pill-peddlerGo to pill-pusher.

pill-popper and popper; pill-droppern.
anyone who takes pills frequently or ha-
bitually. Poor Sue is a pill-popper. I
knew she was always ill, but I didn’t know
she was a pill-dropper. The pill-popper
thought she wouldn’t get hooked.

pill-pusher and pill-roller; pill-peddler
n. <a nickname for a physician.> 
That pill-peddler charges too much. I
went to the infirmary, but the pill-pusher
wasn’t in.

pill-rollerGo to pill-pusher.

pimpn. a man who solicits business for a
prostitute. (Use caution with pimp and
the topic.) The guy with the diamond
rings looks like a pimp. The cops took
in three hookers and their pimp.

pimpish [“pImpIS] mod. flamboyant in
dress and manner, as with a pimp.(Use
caution with pimp and the topic.) 
Where did you get that pimpish hat, Ron?
Take the feathers off it, and it won’t look
quite so pimpish.

pimpmobilen. a gaudy automobile, as
might be driven by a pimp.(Use caution
with pimp.) You call that pimpmobile
a car? Why all the chrome? He drove
up in a pimpmobile and shocked all the

pimp steakn.a hot dog; a wiener. (See also
tube steak.) Oh, no! Not pimp steak
again tonight.

pimpstickn. a typical cigarette made by
mass production. (Use caution with
pimp.From an earlier time when pimps
were likely to smoke machine-made cig-
arettes rather than the rugged roll-your-
own type.) Hey, chum. Why do you
smoke those pimpsticks? Can’t you roll one
yourself? Real cowboys never smoke
pimpsticks, and they don’t have tattoos,

pin 1. n. someone’s leg. (Usually plural.) 
My pins are a little wobbly. Stand up
on your pins and speak your mind. 2. n.
an important criminal leader. (From
kingpin.) The pin sent me. He says
you’re to come with me. The mob’s get-


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