Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
Also a term of address.) Look out,
bathtub scum, outa my way! John is
bathtub scum at its worst.

bats 1. and battymod. crazy. Yo u’r e
bats! You are driving me batty! 2. and
battymod. alcohol intoxicated; confused
and drunk. The guy was bats—stewed
to his ears. She was sort of batty from
the wine. 3. thebatsn. the delirium
tremens. (Always with the.) My buddy
is shaking because of a slight case of the
bats. The bats getting you down again,

batted 1. mod. alcohol intoxicated. She
spends a lot of time batted. Will this
stuff get me batted? 2. and batted out
mod. arrested. (Underworld.) I got bat-
ted out on my first day as a booster. This
gal got batted twice last year on the same

batted outGo to batted.

batteredmod. alcohol intoxicated. Man,
was I battered. I will never drink another
drop. Those guys really got battered at
the party.

battle-ax[“bAdl“Aks] n. a belligerent (old)
woman. (Derogatory.) Tell the old bat-
tle-ax she can go straight to blazes. I can
handle any battle-ax. Send her on in.

battle of the bulgen. the attempt to keep
one’s waistline normal. (Named for a
World War II battle.) She appears to
have lost the battle of the bulge. I’ve
been fighting the battle of the bulge ever
since I had the baby.

battleshipsGo to gunboats.

battyGo to bats.

bay windown. a belly; an abdomen. Yo u
are going to have to do something about
that bay window. Your bay window is
getting out of hand.

bazillion[b@”zIlj@n] n. an indefinite, enor-
mous number. Ernie gave me a bazil-
lion good reasons why he shouldn’t do it.
Next year’s bazillion-dollar budget
should make things even worse.

bazoo and wazoo 1. n. the human mouth.
You want me to punch you in the wa-

zoo? 2. n. the stomach or belly. His
great wazoo hung poised, out over his belt,
like it might dive down to the f loor and
bounce off across the room. 3. n. the anus;
the buttocks. (Jocular and euphemistic.)
One more word like that and I’ll give
you a kick in the wazoo that you’ll re-
member for a long time.

bazoom(s)n. a woman’s breasts; the female
bosom. (Usually objectionable.) I don’t
know how it happened, but a whole bowl
of jello went down this lady’s, uh, bazoom,
and we haven’t the slightest idea what to
do about it!

bazoongiesn. a woman’s breasts. (Usually
objectionable.) Every time she moved
forward, even just a little, her bazoongies
tended to stay behind, for just a second.
Oh, God!

B-balln. basketball; a basketball. (See also
hoops; V-ball.) Let’s go play some B-
ball. Toss me the B-ball, huh?

BB brainn. a stupid person; a person with
a brain the size of buckshot. (Also a rude
term of address.) What BB brain left
the door open? Look here, BB brain,
straighten up and f ly right!

BBLin. be back later. (Used in electronic
mail and computer forum or news group
messages. Not pronounced aloud.) 
Bye. BBL. See you. BBL.

BCNU[“bi”si”@n”ju] tv. Be seeing you. (An
initialism. Appears in informal written
contexts.) Bye for now. BCNU. To d d
always closes his notes with “BCNU.”

beach bumn. a young man who frequents
beaches. A bronzed beach bum helped
me find my lotion. Some of those beach
bums are getting to look sort of old.

beach bunnyn. a young woman who fre-
quents beaches. This little beach bunny
bounced up and offered to put lotion on
me. They say that most of those beach
bunnies have some degree of sun blindness.

beak 1. n. a nose. What a beak on that
guy! I want some glasses that sit in just
the right place on my wonderful beak. 2.
in. to gossip; to chatter. We stood


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