Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
who were beerbonging all barfed after it
was over. I tried beerbonging once, just

beer bustGo to beer blast.

beer goggles[...”gaglz] n. a condition of
the eyes of someone wherein all persons
of the opposite sex look very attractive.
(Usually said about the eyes of males.)
Three beers and it’s beer goggles for Wal-
ter. See how Wally is looking at that
bowser. He’s got his beer goggles on!

beer gutGo to beer belly.

beeswax[“bizwAks] n. business; concern.
(See also mind your own beeswax; none
of someone’s beeswax.) Is this any of
your beeswax? Tend to your own bees-

beetlen. a Volkswagen automobile. We
wanted to buy a beetle, but decided on a
domestic model. I remember when peo-
ple used to put big windup keys on their
beetles to make them look like windup toys.

beetlebrain[“bidlbren] n. a stupid person.
Some beetlebrain left a can of paint in
the hall, and guess who knocked it over?
Why are you such a beetlebrain when
it comes to math?

beeveedeesGo to BVDs.

beezer[“biz#] n. the nose. I’ve got a zit
on my beezer. I was afraid he would bop
me on the beezer.

begathonn. a televised appeal for contri-
butions, especially as conducted by U.S.
public television stations. It seems like
this station is one long begathon all year

behindn. the posterior; the buttocks. 
I’ve got a boil on the behind that’s driving
me crazy. She needs some jeans that will
f latter her behind.

behind barsmod. in jail; in prison. Yo u
belong behind bars, you creep! I’ve got
something here that will keep you behind
bars for years.

behind the eight ball 1. mod. in trouble;
in a weak or losing position. I’m behind
the eight ball again. John spends a lot
of time behind the eight ball. 2. mod.

broke. Sorry, I’m really behind the eight
ball this month. I can’t make a contribu-
tion. I was behind the eight ball again
and couldn’t make my car payment.
beige[beZ] mod. boring; insipid. (Califor-
nia. See also vanilla.) The party is beige.
Let’s cruise. This day is way beige! Bag
be-inn. a gathering of hippies. A meet-
ing of happy people, yes; a be-in this is not.
This is just like a sixties be-in. Lots of
phony love.
belch[bEltS] 1. in. to bring up stomach gas.
(See also berp.) They swallow beer by
the can and see who can belch the loud-
est. I belched, and everybody stared. 2.
n. a burp; an upwards release of stom-
ach gas. That was the loudest belch I’ve
ever heard. What I really need is a good
belch. 3. n. beer, especially bad beer. 
Where did you get this belch? Pass the
belch. Anything’s good on a hot day.
belcher[“bEltS#] 1. n. a beer drinker. 
Look at the belly on that belcher! Harry
is a confirmed belcher. 2. n. a hard
drinker; a drunkard. A couple of belch-
ers wandered in about midnight. Other
than that, the night is dead. I’m a
belcher, and I know it.
Believe you me!exclam. You should be-
lieve me! Believe you me, that was some
cake! This is a fine picnic. Believe you
belliesn. pork bellies; pork belly futures.
(Securities markets. Often with the.) 
What are the dec bellies doing? Buy the
bellies and sell the beans.
bells and whistlesn. extra, fancy gadgets.
I like machines with all the bells and
whistles. All those bells and whistles add
to the cost.
bellyache[“bEliek] 1. n. a stomachache. 
Oh, mama, do I have a bellyache! That
stuff will give you one fine bellyache. 2. in.
to complain. You are always bellyach-
ing! Don’t bellyache to me about it!
belly buttonn. the navel. Is your belly
button an insy or an outsy? Do dogs
have belly buttons?

belly button
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