Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

between a rock and a hard placemod.
in a very difficult position; facing a hard
decision. You got him caught between
a rock and a hard place, for sure. I’m be-
tween a rock and a hard place. I don’t
know what to do.

between you, me, and the bedpostGo
to between you, me, and the lamppost.

between you, me, and the lamppost
and between you, me, and the bed-
postphr. just between you and me. Be-
tween you, me, and the lamppost, things
are going to get worse before they get bet-
ter. They’re worse than you think now,
just between you, me, and the bedpost.

bewottledmod. alcohol intoxicated. 
Sam was so bewottled that he could hardly
walk. Garth and Wayne were severely

bezongasn. a woman’s breasts. (Usually
objectionable.) I’ve never seen so many
definitely fine bezongas all in one place at
the same time.

BFn. best friend. (Initialism. Collegiate.) 
You would have thought you and she were
BFs to hear her talk. Sharon is my BF.

BFDexclam. Big fucking deal!; So what?
(Usually objectionable.) So, you’ve got
serious money problems. BFD!

BFEGo to butt-fucking Egypt

BGinterj. big grin. (An initialism used in
computer forum or news groups to show
that the writer is joking or happy. Not
pronounced. Often enclosed, .) 
I haven’t seen you on the board. I thought
you had run away from home. 
Your last message was filled with mis-
spelled words, but I think I could under-
stand what you meant.

bhang[bAN or baN] 1. n. the marijuana
plant. (Drugs. From Hindi.) Martha
grows bhang in a pot in her room. She
farms bhang for her own use. 2. n. a mar-
ijuana cigarette; the smoking of a mari-
juana cigarette. Max had to stop for a
bhang. The kids found an old bhang in
Fred’s car.

bhang ganjah [bAN “gAndZ@ or baN
“gandZ@] n. marijuana; marijuana resin.

(Drugs.) It’s the bhang ganjah that gives
the stuff its kick. Can you get bhang
ganjah by itself?
bhongGo to bong.
bi 1. n. the biceps. (Typically BI. Usually
plural.) I have to work on my BIs and
then build up my thighs. 2. mod. bisexual.
Suddenly she suspected that she was get-
ting involved in some sort of strange bi ac-
tivities. 3. n. a bisexual person. This in-
formation is of interest only to bis and
bicarb[“baIkarb] n. bicarbonate of soda,
used for an upset stomach. I sure could
use a little bicarb after that chili she served.
I can’t stand that sweet-tasting stuff. I
want bicarb.
biff[bIf] 1. tv. to hit someone. To m b i f f e d
Fred on the snoot. Fred got biffed, and
that really made him mad. 2. n. a blow. 
The biff on the nose gave Fred a nosebleed.
Tom got a biff in the gut for his trou-
biffy[“bIfi] n. a toilet. Where’s the biffy?
The house we toured has a pink biffy.
Can you believe it?
theBig Applen. New York City. The Big
Apple is filled with young kids trying to get
into show biz. Max and his gang went
to the Big Apple to lie low for a while.
big-assmod.really big. Did you see that
big-ass SUV hit the little Honda? Shut
up your big-ass mouth!
bigass 1. n. a person with very large but-
tocks. (Usually objectionable.) Some
bigass came in and broke the chair when
he sat down. 2. mod. pertaining to some-
one who has very large buttocks. (Usu-
ally objectionable.) Tell that bigass jerk
to get out! 3. mod. pertaining to a person
who is self-important, overbearing, or ar-
rogant; pertaining to anything having to
do with arrogance. (Usually objection-
able.) Take your bigass ideas and go
back where you came from.
big bluen. the stock of International Busi-
ness Machines or the company itself. (Se-
curities markets. See also (I-)beam.) I
have 400 shares of big blue that I would

between a rock and a hard place

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