blue blue devils
blue blue flu
blue blue funk
blue blue in the face
blue blue suit
blue boys in blue
blue burn with a low blue flame
blue in a blue funk
blue little boy blue
blue men in blue
blue once in a blue moon
blue screwed, blued, and tattooed
blue talk a blue streak
blue talk until one is blue in the face
BOBO juice
boardbig board
boarddraft board
boardwashboard abs
boat boat anchor
boat just off the boat
boat miss the boat
body body count
body body shake
body over my dead body
body warm body
bogus bogus beef
boil boiling (mad)
boilerpot boiler
bolt bucket of bolts
bolt nuts and bolts
bomb bombed (out)
bomb bomb (out)
bomb da bomb
bomb love bombs
bombshelldrop a bomb(shell)
bondjunk bond
bonebag of bones
bonebone factory
bonebone idle
bonebone orchard
bonebone out
bonecrazy bone
bonehave a bone on
boneknuckle bones
bonelaid to the bone
bonepull a boner
bonesilked to the bone
bong bonged (out)
bong do some bongs
bonkersdrive someone bonkers
boomake a boo-boo
boobybooby hatch
boobybooby trap
boogieboogie down (to somewhere)
book book it
book crack a book
book fake book
book hit the books
book little black book
book make book on something
book pound the books
book take a page from someone’s book
book throw the book at someone
book wish book
boom ace boom-boom
boom (baby) boomer
boom boom box
boom boom sticks
boonace boon-coon
bootboot someone out
bootbooty call
bootJesus boots
bootknock boots
bootto boot
bootYou bet your boots!
boozebooze artist
boozebooze it (up)
boozebooze up
boozehit the booze
bopdrop a bop
bore bore the pants off (of) someone
bornWere you born in a barn?
bosombosom buddy
bosombosom chums
bosombosom friends
boss boss dick
boss boss lady
boss boss man
boss straw boss
both both sheets in the wind
both It cuts both ways.
both swing both ways
bottlebottle baby
bottlebrown bottle flu
bottlechief cook and bottle washer
bottlecrack open a bottle
bottlehead cook and bottle washer
bottlehit the bottle
bottom bet one’s bottom dollar
bottom bottom dollar
bottom bottom fishing
bottom bottomless pit
bottom bottom line
bottom bottom of the barrel
bottom bottom of the heap
bottom bottom out
bottom Bottoms up.
bottom rock bottom
bottom scrape the bottom of the barrel
bottomless bottomless pit
bouncebounce for something
bouncebounce something off (of) someone
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