Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

shop happy shop
shop hook shop
shop shopping list
short case of the shorts
short have a short fuse
short have someone by the short hairs
short long story short
short short end of the stick
short short fuse
short short one
shot big shot
shot call (all) the shots
shot cheap shot
shot double-barreled slingshot
shot grape shot
shot long shot
shot mug shot
shot one’s best shot
shot parting shot
shot shot down
shot shot in the arm
shot shot in the dark
shot shot in the neck
shot shot to hell
shot shot to the curb
shot take a shot (at something)
shot who shot John
shotgun call shotgun
shotgun ride shotgun
shotgun shotgun wedding
shoulder cold shoulder
shoulder straight from the shoulder
shouldn’t shouldn’t happen to a dog
shove if push comes to shove
shove shove off
shove when push comes to shove
shovel cling like shit to a shovel
shovel put someone to bed with a shovel
shovel put to bed with a shovel
shovel stick like shit to a shovel
show dog and pony show
show free show
show get the show on the road
show girlie show
show no show
show one-man show
show show and tell
show show biz
show That’s show business (for you).
shower shower scum
shuck shuck down
shucks(Aw) shucks!
shur fer shur
shush shush (up)
shut get some shut-eye
shut Put up or shut up!

shut shut up
shut Shut your face!
shut Shut your mouth!
shut Shut your trap!
shyone brick shy of a load
shythree bricks shy of a load
Siberian Siberian express
sick sick to death (of someone or something)
sick sick (up)
side can’t hit the (broad) side of a barn
side flip side
side on the safe side
side on the side
side sunny-side up
side wrong side of the tracks
sidewalk sidewalk superintendent
sidewalk sidewalk surfing
siegsieg-heil someone
sightout of sight
sign high sign
sign Nebraska sign
silksilked to the bone
silly stoned silly
silosilo drippings
silver silver bullet
silver silver goose
simmer simmer (down)
Simon Simon Legree
simple pure and simple
sinugly as sin
singtill the fat lady sings
singwhen the fat lady sings
sink hook, line, and sinker
sink sink one’s teeth into something
sistersob sister
sister(soul) sister
sisterweak sister
sit sitting duck
sit sitting pretty
situation no-win situation
six deep six
six double six
six Joe Six-pack
six on your six
six six feet under
sixtysixty-four-dollar question
size That’s about the size of it.
skag skagged out
skag skag jones
sketch thumbnail sketch
skid grease the skids
skid hit the skids
skid on the skids
skid put the skids under someone or
skid skid marks

NTC’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

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