skid skid row
skid skid row bum
skinGive me (some) skin!
skinknock someone some skin
skinskin a goat
skinskin flick
skinskin game
skinSkin me!
skinful have a skinful
skinny (hot) skinny
skinny skinny dip
skip Skip it!
skip skip (out)
skittlesbeer and skittles
skool old skool
skrill fat skrill
skullout of one’s skull
sky aim for the sky
sky pie in the sky
sky reach for the sky
sky shoot for the sky
sky sky hook
sky sky rug
sky sky’s the limit
slam bitch slammer
slam slam a beer
slam slam dunk
slam slam some beers
slap slap happy
slap slap in the face
slap slap someone on the wrist
slap slap someone’s wrist
slave slave away (at something)
slave slave market
sleep beauty sleep
sleep sleep it off
sleep wink of sleep
sleeve have an ace up one’s sleeve
slicefrog slicing
sliceIt’s been a slice!
sliceslice of the action
slight slightly rattled
slim iceberg slim
slime slime bag
slime slime bucket
sling double-barreled slingshot
sling have one’s ass in a sling
sling ink slinger
sling sling the cat
slingshotdouble-barreled slingshot
slip give someone the slip
slip pink slip
slip Slip me five!
slip slip one’s trolley
slip slip someone a Mickey
slip slip someone five
slip slip (up)
slobslob up
slopEarp slop, bring the mop.
slosh sloshed (to the ears)
slough sloughed (up)
slow do a slow burn
slow slow burn
slow take it slow
slowly twist (slowly) in the wind
sluff sluff (off)
slug slug it out
slushslushed (up)
slushslush fund
slushslush up
sly on the sly
smack smack (dab) in the middle
smack smack the road
smallsmall beer
smallsmall change
smallsmall fortune
smallsmall fry
smallsmall potatoes
smart get smart (with someone)
smart one smart apple
smart smart aleck
smart smart ass
smart smart cookie
smart smart guy
smart smart money
smart smart mouth
smart street smart
smart street smarts
smash smash hit
smell I smell you.
smell smell a rat
smell smell blood
smell smell fishy
smell smell it up
smell smell like a rose
smell smell the stuff
smell smell to (high) heaven
smile put a smile on someone’s face
smile Smile when you say that.
smile wearing (nothing but) a smile
smoke blow smoke
smoke Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
smoke smoke and mirrors
smoke smoke eater
smoke smoke-filled room
smoke smoke like a chimney
smoke smoking gun
SmokeySmokey (the Bear)
smoothjump smooth
smoothsmooth operator
snail at a snail’s gallop
snail at a snail’s pace
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