Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

blow Z’s[...ziz] tv. to sleep. I got to blow
Z’s for a while; then we’ll talk. Him? Oh,
he’s in the back blowing Z’s.

blubber gut(s)[“bl@b# “g@t(s)] n. a fat per-
son. (Also a rude term of address.) 
Hey, blubber guts! Get a girdle. Why
doesn’t that blubber gut do something
about all that weight?

blue 1. mod. depressed; melancholy. 
That music always makes me blue. I’m
feeling sort of blue. I’m in a blue mood.

  1. mod. obscene; vulgar; dirty. Those
    blue jokes don’t go over very well around
    here. Enough of your blue interests. Get
    out and take all these magazines with you.
    That one was really blue. 3. n. the sky;
    the heavens. I just look up at the blue
    and hope for the best. The idea came to
    me right out of the blue. 4. mod. alcohol
    intoxicated. What have you been drink-
    ing? You’re getting a little blue. Yo u
    might say I’m blue. Others might note that
    I am stoned. 5. n. an amphetamine tablet
    or capsule, especially a blue one. (Drugs.)
    How are blues different from reds and
    yellows? I’m sort of wired. You got any
    blues? 6. n. a police officer; the police. 
    The blues will be here in a minute. One
    blue isn’t enough to handle the job. 7. n. a
    10-mg tablet of Valium™. (Drugs.) A
    blue is enough to put most people into a
    stupor. Why do you want two? In treat-
    ment they kept giving me blues to calm me
    down. Now I can’t live without them.

blue and whiten. a police car; the police.
(Patterned on black and whiteand used
in cities where the police cars are painted
blue and white.) A blue and white sud-
denly appeared, and I knew we were fin-
ished. I can usually spot a blue and
white before anyone else.

blue around the gills and green around
the gills 1. mod. ill; nauseated. You are
looking a little blue around the gills. 
How about a little air? I feel a little green
around the gills. 2. mod. alcohol intoxi-
cated. In the middle of the drink, I knew
I was getting blue around the gills. 
Marty—now thoroughly green around the
gills—slid neatly under the table, and
everyone pretended not to notice.

blue balls and hot-rocksn. a painful con-
dition of the testicles caused by unre-
lieved sexual need. (Usually objection-
able.) She always gives me hot-rocks. 
Oh, man. Do I ever have the blue balls!
That movie was too much!
(blue) blazesn. hell. You can go straight
to blue blazes as far as I care. It’s as hot
as blazes here.
blue boys and blue coatsn. the police.
(See also men in blue.) Four blue boys
held me while a fifth slipped the cuffs on
me. I ain’t no pushover. The blue coats
climbed out of the black and white and just
stood there.
blue chip 1. n. stock shares of a large com-
pany that has a high value. (Securities
markets.) The blue chips took another
nose dive in today’s trading. I buy noth-
ing but blue chips. 2. mod. having to do
with the stock of large, valuable compa-
nies. (Securities markets.) The blue
chip rally ran for a third day. It was an-
other blue chip led sell-off.
blue coatsGo to blue boys.
blue devils 1. n. melancholia; depression.
Hank is down with the blue devils
again. How do you get rid of the blue
devils? 2. n. the delirium tremens. Yo u
wouldn’t think that a society dame like
that would have the blue devils, would
you? The shakes, or the blue devils, are
a sure sign of a serious drinking problem.

  1. n. capsules of Amytal™, a barbiturate.
    How much for a little box of blue dev-
    ils? Got no red devils. Will blue devils
    do it to you?
    blue-eyedmod. innocent. Look, you lit-
    tle blue-eyed sweetie, I know your game!
    He’s sure his blue-eyed wonder couldn’t
    have hit my child. Don’t try to look so
    blue flu 1. n. an imaginary disease afflict-
    ing police officers who call in sick during
    a work stoppage or slowdown. (Journal-
    istic. Occurs where strikes are illegal.) 
    Another epidemic of the blue f lu struck the
    city’s police officers early today. It seems
    that the city’s criminals and lawbreakers
    are immune to the blue f lu. Their work

blue flu
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