Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

thebomb and da bombn. something
really great. This tingle is really da

bombed (out)mod. alcohol or drug in-
toxicated. (Possibly from embalmed.) 
They were bombed and looked nearly
dead.  How can I drive when I’m
bombed out?

bomb (out)in. [for a computer or com-
puter program] to fail. Yo u e x p e c t a
program to bomb a time or two. The
whole thing bombed out at just the wrong

bomb(shell)n. a stunning piece of news
that is dropped without warning. I am
still recovering from your bomb of last eve-
ning. After you left us with the bomb-
shell about your marriage to the Christmas
tree farmer in Montana, we began to re-
alize that it’s your life and you should do
what you want.

bone 1. n. a trombone. (Musicians. See also
bones.) Herman is just a wonder on the
bone. She plays the bone like nobody’s
business. 2. Go to boner.

bone factory 1. n. a hospital. Lemme
outa this bone factory! After about two
months in the bone factory, I was back on
the job. 2. n. a cemetery. We must have
passed by forty bone factories going across
Missouri. I know I’ll end up in the bone
factory just like everyone else.

bonehead 1. n. a stupid or stubborn per-
son. You are such a bonehead when it
comes to buying cars. Don’t be a bone-
head. Cooperate! 2. and boneheaded
mod. stupid; stubborn. Of all the bone-
headed things to do! Why am I married
to the world’s greatest all-time bonehead
klutz? Don’t be so boneheaded.

boneheadedGo to bonehead.

bone idlemod. very lazy; completely idle
or unproductive. Your problem is that
you are bone idle. Take your bone idle
brother and move out!

bone orchardn. a cemetery. That is a
very pleasant bone orchard. Does it
really matter how comfortable a bone or-
chard looks?

bone outin. to leave. It’s time we boned
out and got home. Ted and Bill boned
out after midnight.

boner 1. n. a silly error; a gaffe. (See also
pull a boner.) Well, that was a bad
boner. What a boner! You must be em-
barrassed. 2. and bonen. an erection.
He always gets a boner when he doesn’t
need it and never when he does.

bones 1. n. dice. (See similar senses at
bone.) Toss me the bones and get out
your checkbooks. Throw them bones and
hope for the best. 2. n. <a nickname for a
ship’s physician.> (From sawbones. Also
the nickname of the doctor on the star-
ship EnterpriseofStar Trek fame.) This
fat bones actually wanted me to lose
weight. This is quite a cut. You’ll have
to go over to the bones in Adamsville. 3.
n. <a nickname for a skinny person.>
(Also a term of address.) Well, bones,
how about a nice big meal? Ask bones
there what he wants to drink. 4. n. dollars;
money; cash. You got any bones on you
I can borrow? The tickets only cost a few
bones, but the play was lousy and I want
my money back.

boneyard 1. n. a cemetery. I’d like to be
planted in a boneyard like that. I’ll take
a boneyard with a view of the lake. 2. n.
a junkyard. I got a used right-hand door
from a boneyard. This old car’s ready for
the boneyard.

bong and bhong[bON] 1. n. a marijuana
smoking device that cools the smoke by
passing it through water. (Drugs.) This
bong is really getting sort of nasty. Fill
up your bong and let’s get going. 2. tv. &
in. to smoke marijuana or other drugs
with a bong or other device. (Drugs.) 
You can’t just bong for the rest of your life!
Wanna go bong a bowl? 3. n. a puff or
hit of marijuana taken through a bong.
(Drugs.) I’ll take two bongs, and then
I gotta go. I only got one bong! 4. tv. &
in. to drink keg beer through a hose.
(California. See also beerbong.) Every-
body bonged till the keg was empty. 
There were no cups, so people had to bong
their beer.


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