Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

bonged (out)[bONd...] mod. exhausted
from too much marijuana. (Drugs.) I
was bonged all through the holidays. She
was still bonged out after the first week of

bonk[bONk] 1. tv. to strike one’s head. 
He bonked his head on the shelf. I
bonked my bean. 2. tv. to strike someone
on the head. I bonked John on the head.
He wouldn’t move, so I bonked him. 3.
tv. & in. to copulate [with] someone.
(Usually objectionable.) She bonked
him all night. At least that’s what he said.

bonkers[“bONk#z] 1. and crackersmod.
insane; crazy. Get this bonkers brother
of yours out of here! I think I am going
crackers. 2. mod. slightly intoxicated. 
I’m just a little bonkers, nothing really se-
rious. She’s too bonkers to drive.

Bonus! [“bon@s] exclam. That’s great!;
That’s good enough to earn a bonus! 
Bonus! That’s the best news I’ve heard in
a long time! The teacher’s sick? Bonus!

bonzo[“banzo] mod. crazy. You are com-
pletely bonzo! I want out of this bonzo

boob[bub] 1. n. a stupid person; a rural
oaf. You boob! What have you done? 
Why did I marry a boob like you? 2. and
booby[“bubi] n. a breast. (Usually plural.
Usually objectionable.) My boobs aren’t
what I might have wished for. With
boobs like that, she can go anywhere she

boo-bird[“bu”b#d] n. a person who boos
frequently at games or other public
events. It was a big day for the boo-birds
at Wrigley Field. The catcher turned
and stared right at the loudmouthed boo-
bird. Everybody knew what he was think-

boo-boo[“bubu] n. an error. (See also
make a boo-boo.) It’s only a small
boo-boo. Don’t stress yourself. Another
boo-boo like that, and you are through.

boob-tube[“bub”tub] n. a television set.
(Something for a boob to watch.) Yo u
spend too much time in front of the boob-
tube. What’s on the boob-tube tonight?

boobyGo to boob.
booby hatch[“bubi...] n. a mental hospi-
tal. I was afraid they would send me to
the booby hatch. Don’t you mean send
you back to the booby hatch?

booby trap 1. n. a concealed trap. (Both
literal and figurative.) This clause in the
contract is a real booby trap. Let’s rewrite
it. Some kind of booby trap in the ware-
house kept the robber from getting away.

  1. tv. to install a concealed trap in a place.
    (Usually booby-trap.)  The agents
    booby-trapped the cellar. They booby-
    trapped the elevator so it turned into a cell
    if you didn’t know the code to open the

boodle[“budl] n. loot; the proceeds from
a crime. (Underworld.) All of the boo-
dle was recovered in a suitcase. They
divvied up the boodle and got out of town.
boody and boodie; bootie; booty 1. n.
the buttocks. (Potentially offensive. Usu-
ally objectionable.) Look at the nice lit-
tle boody on that guy. Get your boodie
out on that dance f loor and shake it. 2. n.
someone or something disliked. (From
sense 1.) Why don’t you clean up all this
boody? This place is a mess. Who are
those boodies blocking the doorway? 3. n.
the female genitals; the vulva. (Usually
objectionable.) He wants to get into her
boody. 4. n. women considered as a re-
ceptacle for the penis. (Rude and derog-
atory.) He likes boody better than any-

booger 1. n. a blob of nasal mucus, moist
or dry. (Usually objectionable.) Keep
your boogers to yourself! Who got
boogers all over my bedspread? 2. Go to

boogie[“bugi or “bUgi] 1. n. a kind of rock
dance. I didn’t like the boogie until I
learned how to do it right. The boogie
will tire you out, but good! 2. in. to dance
rock-style. I don’t like to boogie. I’m
too old to boogie. 3. n. a party where the
boogie is danced. There’s a boogie over
at Steve’s tonight. One more boogie and
I’m through for the year. 4. in. to get
down to work; to get down to business.

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